Allows users to enter or select multiple tags.
Field creation properties:
Label: To display on UI
Name: To save at backend, instance prefix will append in case of custom object
Required: You can set this field as required or mandatory. So, the record cannot be saved without entering the value in this field
Unique: If the field is set as unique then more than one record cannot be saved with the same value in this field
Value Source
Enter values: Entered values will be available in the multi-select field
Value Fields: Provision to enter values separated by new line
Is Dependent: Values in the multi-select field can be controlled by another field in the object
Use Value Set: All the values from the value set will come in the multi-select field
Value Set: Provision to select the custom as well as the standard value set
Is Dependent: Values in the multi-select field can be controlled by another field in the object
Valueset Name <> Value Set Name: You can create the values with some prefix or suffix using the merge text feature
Value Set Name: Provision to select the custom and standard value set and add prefix
Query: You can take the records of an object (custom/standard) as the values in the multi-select
Object Name: Select the object from which you want to get the records as the values
Criteria: You can filter the records from the selected object to display as values
Create New: If checked, then new tags can be created while the record creation
Default Value: You can set a default value to the field which can be updated or changed while creating the record
Help Text: This text will be visible at the top right corner of the field as a popover
Description: You can give the description of the field while creation
Access Feature
Queryable: Query can be performed on this field
Creatable: Record can be created with value in this field
Editable: Value in this field can be edited