Allows users to enter any combination of letters and numbers in a single line.
Field creation properties:
Label: To display on UI
Name: To save at backend, instance prefix will append in case of custom object
Required: You can set this field as required or mandatory. So, the record cannot be saved without entering the value in this field
Unique: If the field is set as unique then more than one record cannot be saved with the same value in this field
Minimum Length: Set the minimum length of the text which can be entered while record creation, this can’t be less than 1
Maximum Length: Set the maximum length of the text which can be entered while the record creation. This can’t be less than the minimum length provided. This can’t be more than 255
Pattern: You can set the pattern of the input by adding regex
ReadOnly <> Read-only: You can set this field as read-only. Users can put the value in this field only while record creation
Sortable: Value in fields can be sorted in ascending or descending order on the listview if this is set as true
Default Value: You can set a default value to the field which can be updated or changed while creating the record
Help Text: This text will be visible at the top right corner of the field as a popover
Description: You can give the description of the field while creation
Access Feature
Queryable: Query can be performed on this field
Creatable: Record can be created with value in this field
Editable: Value in this field can be edited