View Attachment comes with a button called “View” in the related list of attachment which is used to view the file in the It is illustrated with example given below
Scenario 1
To view a file without versioning
Search for the object to which you attached the file
Navigate to the record where the attachment is stored
Click on “View” button present in the related list of the respective attachment to view the attachment
If it is a image file it will get displayed in a new tab, or all other types of files will get downloaded
View File
Scenario 2
To view files with different versions
Search for the object to which you attached the file
Navigate to the record where the attachment is stored
Click on the “Version” dropdown button present in the related list of the respective attachment to view the version present for the attachment
Click on the desired version number from the drop-down to view that version of the file
If it is an image file the specific version of the file will get displayed in a new tab or all other types of files will get downloaded
View File