Folder Creation
User can create folders in any of the record and save attachments in different folders as required
Go to layout.
Click on “Add Folder”
Enter the name for the new folder to be created
Click on “Add Folder” or press the “Enter” key
Folder created successfully message will be displayed
The new folder will get added to the folder tree view at the left corner of the layout
Folder Creation
Similarly, user can create any number of sub-folders in the newly created folder. The path displayed at the top, shows the actual path where the attachments will be saved. By clicking on any of the folder name or record name, user can move to the required folder to save the attachments
Folder CreationAlso, to create a second new folder, user needs to click on the record name of the folder path shown at the top and click on “Add Folder” to create a “New Folder” at the record level
In this way, user can create as many folders and sub folders to save the attachments in folder structure order
Note: Attachments will get saved in the Storage Servers in the same way as they are stored in the Salesforce instance. Similar Folder hierarchy will be created in the Storage Servers. (Except for Azure Blob, where the name of attachment will contain the actual folder names and no folders will be created)