A Toaster provides simple feedback about an operation in a small popup.
It only fills the amount of space required for the message and the current activity remains visible and interactive
Toaster automatically disappears after a timeout
It will be displayed in the middle aligned of the screen
Create a Toaster workflow
Click the Workflow tab, and refer to this link Workflows
Drag and drop the Toaster action
Toaster Action Workflow
Click on the Config tab
Type: A Toaster can show one of the following states
Success: When a user completes/executes an action
Error: When a user completes an action, but system-related issues prevent the action to be truly executed
Warning: When a user cannot complete an action due to external factors (e.g. permission) rather than something they can fix right away (e.g. form error)
Info: When a user completes an action, but there is some additional info to be shown
Message: It is a small message that shows up in a box at the bottom of the screen and disappears on its own after a few seconds
Detail: You can give a description of the selected action
Override Result:
Merge Text icon: You can merge messages by using their source type
By using Model, Field, Static, Variable, LocalStorage, Cookie, query param, User
Click on the Config icon
You can merge the message by using the config, refer to this link Models
Click Save
Click on the Action Details tab
Label: Label for the selected action
Name: Name is a unique identifier for the action
Is Async?:
Description: Short description of Toaster
Return to Layout Page
An action event occurs, whenever an action is performed by the user
e. g. When the user clicks the Button, the button fires an action event
Refer to this link Events
Add the created Workflow to the action event
Click Run & Preview
Click on the Button, the Toaster will be displayed