The feature is specific functionality on the application that can be used by users of the subscriber instance. An application can have multiple features. Features will be accessible by the user of the subscriber instance as per the assigned license. There are is categories of features: Standard and Custom.
Standard feature
Standard features are defined by PWR Apps and available to all instances.
Custom feature
Custom features are defined by publishers while creating an application. As they are custom features, the name of the feature will be prefixed with the instance ID.
Feature type
A checkbox is a boolean type of feature. This indicates whether the users have access to this feature or not with the values TRUE or FALSE.
Records indicate the number of records a user can create on a license object
This type of feature indicates how many times the user can use this feature. For example, the user to which this feature's license is assigned can consume a number of documents printed per day, after that the user will get an error that “Allocated amount is exhausted”.
This type of feature indicates the number of APIs users can consume. For example, all users together in the instance can consume max n numbers of a particular API per year, after that, they will get an error that “Allocated calls are exhausted”.
The total number of records can be created in the given instance. Scope for storage feature type will be instance only. The storage type feature will not have a reset period property
If the scope of the feature is an Instance. It means this particular feature is available for all the users of the instance.
Features with this scope will be user-based, this will be only available for the users to which this feature's license is assigned.
Reset Period
The used amount will reset to zero every day at 00:00 AM as per the instance timezone.
The used amount will reset to zero on the 1st day of every month at 00:00 AM as per the instance timezone.
The used amount will reset to zero on 1st Jan at 00:00 AM of instance timezone.
The used amount will never reset