A filter is a program or section of code that is designed to examine each input or output request for certain qualifying criteria and then process or forward it accordingly.
Filter that reads data in and manipulates the data to fit another output pattern or removes data that may not be needed.
In filter field, we are using two Main Operators:
(1) AND:
The logical AND operator is an operator that performs a logical conjunction on two statements. It only yields a value of "true" when both statements are true. If one of the two statements is false, then the logical AND operator yields a "false" value.
(2) OR:
The OR operator is a Boolean operator which would return the value TRUE or Boolean value of 1 if either or both of the operands are TRUE or have Boolean value of 1.
Filter Fields:
Filter Field will map the variable to the actual column data. The filter widget connected to the variable then knows which categories are available, and can present a drop down menu of those categories.
Filter Operators:
The equality operator is used to compare two values or expressions. It is used to compare numbers, strings, Boolean values, variables, objects etc. The result is TRUE if the expressions are equal otherwise its FALSE.
Not Equals:
Valid for a column that contains text, number or dates. Specify a single value or multiple values. Result include only records where the data in the columns not match the value in the filter. Compares two operands to determine if the first operand is not equal to the second operand.
Start With:
Results include only records where the data in the column begins with the value in the filter.
Results include only records where the data in the column contains all of the values in the filter. And, in the contrary results include only records where the data in the column does not contain any of the values in the filter.
End With:
Results include only records where the data in the column ends with the value in the filter.
(Bug in Operator)
Greater Than:
Results include only records where the data in the column is greater than the value in the filter.
Less Than:
Results include only records where the data in the column is less than the value in the filter.
Greater Than or Equal To:
Results include only records where the data in the column is greater than or the same as the value in the filter.
Less Than or Equal To:
Results include only records where the data in the column is less than or the same as the value in the filter.
Source Type:
Cookie Key:
Local Storage Key: