Click the Workflow tab, and refer to this link Workflows
You have to drag and drop the Toaster to show the Decision, refer to this link for details on the Toaster workflow Toaster
Drag and drop the Decision action
Click on the Config tab
Criteria: Criteria determine the conditions under which the criteria apply
When the given criteria in the workflow are completed, then the criteria are fired
Criteria help you identify the best decision
By clicking on the button, you can set the NOT criteria for a given condition
NOT: Which is used to reverse the result of any given condition
If the result of a condition is true, the result will be reversed as false, Similarly, if the condition's result is false, the NOT operator reverses the result and returns true
Delete: You can delete the condition
Click on the Delete icon
Before Delete
After Delete
Click on the Action Details tab
Label: Label for the selected action
Name: Name is a unique identifier for the action
Is Async?:
Description: Short description of Decision
Click on the Input tab
Click on the + icon
Fill in the information, click Save
Go to the Layout page
Click on Run
The preview page will open
As per your given criteria, fill the information in the New Variable and click Save
If the criteria are met, the decision will be true and Succuss Message will be displayed
If the criteria are not met, the decision will be false and Error Message will be displayed