The Decisions workflow platform allows you to define the decisions and processes you need once and then lets the automated process take them forward
Create a Decision workflow
Click the Workflow tab, and refer to this link Workflows
Drag and drop the Decision action
Click on the Config tab
Criteria: Criteria determine the conditions under which the criteria apply
When the given criteria in the workflow are completed, then the criteria are fired
Create conditions by using Criteria
Click on the + icon
Fill in the information, click Save
Criteria help you identify the best decision
By clicking on the button, you can set the NOT criteria for a given condition
NOT: Which is used to reverse the result of any given condition
If the result of a condition is true, the result will be reversed as false, Similarly, if the condition's result is false, the NOT operator reverses the result and returns true
AND: When all the conditions are satisfied, then it returns true otherwise false
OR: When one (or both) conditions are satisfied, then it returns true otherwise false
Add Condition: You can add multiple conditions
Click on the + icon
Add Group: A workflow group is a collection of one or more conditions that can be assigned to the current created workflow
Click on the + icon
Delete: You can delete the condition
Click on the Delete icon
Before Delete
After Delete