API action allows you to call the records using workflow
API action allows you to perform CRUD operations on the records
API action can be performed by using the source type Model, URL
Source API Type: These fields let you select the source from which API is called there are two sources available i.e
Model: If you select Source type API as Model, then Select the Model that you have created
URL: If you select Source type API as URL, then provide URL
Authorization Type: Select the type of URL
Relative Url: Enter the endpoint API URL
Method: Select the method which you want to request, following are the methods that are available
GET: GET method is used to receive data from a server at the specified resource
POST: POST requests are used to send data to the API server to create or update a resource
PUT: The PUT method is used to update the data of the target URL with something else
DELETE: The DELETE method is a request that the origin server delete the resource by requesting the URL
Is Request Array: If the checkbox is checked, then the request is stored in an array
Request Body: The Request Body allows you to request resources or fields to the server. Click on the + icon to add Request Body
Label: The label is used to identify the Request Body
Name: Name is the unique identifier of the Requested Body
Field Type: Select the field type
Required: If the checkbox is checked, then the field will be required
Is Array: If the checkbox is checked, then the field is stored in an array
Default Value: This field allows to provide a particular default value to request from the server
Response: The Response allows you to store or receive the requested resource or the field from the server. Click on the + icon to add Response
Label: The label is used to identify the Response
Name: Name is the unique identifier of the Response
Field Type: Select the field type
Required: If the checkbox is checked, then the field will be required
Is Array: If the checkbox is checked, then the field is stored in an array
Default Value: Enter the default value for your Response
Action Details
Label: Label is used to identify the Query Records at UI
Name: Name is the unique identifier of the modal
Description: Description is some information about the workflow action
Is Async?: If more than workflows are created and if the check box is checked then the workflows will execute one after one.
API Workflow Creation
Create a Workflow action Workflows
Drag and drop the API
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