

  1. Authentication
    1. Sign Up, with
      1. Email
      2. Phone
      3. SSO (Google/Facebook)
    2. Login, with
      1. Password and OTP
        1. Email
        2. Phone
      2. SSO
    3. Forgot Password for the user Singed-up with
      1. Email
      2. Phone
      3. SSO
  2. User Setting
    1. Upload/Update profile picture
    2. Update general information
      1. User name
      2. Email
      3. Phone
      4. Gender
      5. Local
      6. Enable/Disable SSO
    3. Add/Remover MFA devices after verifying and Enable/Disable MFA while login
  3. Instance
    1. General information and identifier of the instance
      1. Lable
      2. Prefix
      3. Warehouse
    2. Instance management
      1. Edit
      2. Active/Deactive
      3. Delete/Undelete
  4. Workspace- incomplete
    1.  General information
      1. Lable
      2. Name
      3. Is Active
      4. Is Public
      5. Start URL
  5. Member
    1. Invite member for an instance under the workspace
      1. Public and Private
        1. With single or multiple profile(s)
        2. Setting up the home page for the member
        3. Setting an expiry of an invitation from the time of the creation
    2. Member management
      1. Edit
      2. Active/Deactive
      3. Delete/Undelete
  6. Object Manager
    1. Types of Objects
      1. System
      2. Metadata
      3. Standard
      4. Custom
    2. Field Manager
      1. Types of fields & info.
    3. Layout assignment
  7. List views
    1. setup
  8. Layouts and Layout Designer
    1. Types:
      1. Application
      2. Record
    2. Info.
      1. Component
      2.  Attributes
      3. Event
      4. Models
        1. type
        2. UI fields
        3. Criteria
        4. Fields
        5. Other fields
      5. Workflow
        1. Types
          1. Business
            1. Actions
              1. Logic
                1. Assignment
                2. Decision
                3. Switch
                4. Loop
                5. Validate
                6. Logs
                7. Filter
                8. Map
                9. Code
              2. Communication
                1. Notify
                2. API
              3. Data
                1. Query
                2. Create
                3. Update
                4. Delete
              4. Layout
                1. Emit Event
                2. Subscribe Event
                3. Push Modal
                4. Push Modal and Wait
                5. Pop Modal
                6. Redirect
                7. Unsubscribe Event
              5. Workflow
                1. Workflow
              6. UI
                1. Toaster
                2. Show Spinner
                3. Hide Spinner
                4. Prompt
                5. Component Action
          2. Validation
            1. Actions
              1. Logic
                1. Assignment
                2. Decision
                3. Switch
                4. Loop
                5. Validate
                6. Logs
                7. Filter
                8. Map
                9. Code
              2. Data
                1. Query
              3. Communication
                1. API
        2. Input supported
          1. Input variable
          2. System created input variables
        3. Outputs supported
          1. Output variable
          2. Action description
        4. Connector mapping
        5. Start action
        6. Error action
      6. Variables
      7. Event
      8. CSS
    3. CRUD using Layouts
  9. Backend Workflows
    1. Type
      1. Validation
      2. Business
    2. Versioning
    3. Actions
  10. Security Model
    1. Profile creation - incomplete 
    2. Sharing rules - incomplete
  11. Report
    1. Types
      1. Summary
      2. Tabular report
    2. UI fields
    3. Variables
    4. Filters
    5. Cross filters
  12. Dashboards
  13. Value set
  14. Sequence
  15. Events
  16. Templates
  17. Application
    1. Types
      1. Packaged
      2. Custom
    2. Versioning
      1. Minor
      2. Patch
      3. Major
    3. Configuration
      1. Environment creation 
      2. Layout assignment
        1. Home
        2. Profile App
      3. Navigation
      4. Components
    4. Installation
    5. Deployment
      1. Push
      2. Upload
  18. Application subscription
  19.  License
    1. Publisher
    2. Subscriber
  20. Deployment Center
  21. Products
  22. Modules
  23. Asset
  24. ABX overview
    1. Setup
    2. Core
    3. App Market
    4. Auth

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Useful hint

Confluence Administrators can also make templates that are available across your whole Confluence instance.

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