Add Rollup
The Add Rollup Action enables users to aggregate and compute data based on applied filter criteria within an object structure. This action facilitates accurate data rollup and calculation.
This section allows users to define and apply multiple rollup aggregate actions within a single hierarchy.
You can add multiple Rollup Types, such as Average, Concat, Count, Count Distinct, List, Maximum, Minimum, and Sum, within a single rollup by using the Add Rollup button.
What is source field?
Users can select the source field from which to perform rollup calculations or derive data.
For example, If you need to calculate the maximum age among students, you would select the "age" field from the "student" source object.
Objective: Calculate the maximum age among students.
Source Object:
Source Field:
By selecting the appropriate source field, you can easily compute and aggregate data as needed.
What is destination field?
Users can select the field where the result of the rollup calculation will be displayed.
For example,
Objective: Show the maximum age of students in a university.
Destination Field: Choose the appropriate field from the list of available fields in the university object.
If the desired field is not available, you can create a new field directly from the rollup interface using the Create New Field option.
Create a new field directly from rollup
If you do not have an existing field to display the result, you can create a new field directly from the same page. Follow these steps:
Click on "Create New Field".
Provide a label and an API Name.
Select the appropriate Field type either Number or Text that best represents your data.
Provide a description for the field.
Click "Save”.
By following these steps, you can easily create a new field to display your rollup calculation results.
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