


In this section, you can apply filters to calculate data rollup for specific records. PWR Rollups offers various filter operators based on the field type used in the filter. For example, for fields of type Number, it offers operators such as Greater than, Less than, Equal, and many more.


Supported Field Types



Supported Field Types


Greater than

Number, Currency, Date

Checks if provided value is greater than in selected field.

For example, the filter “Course fees greater than 20,000” will return records where the course fees field is above 20,000.

Less than

Number, Currency, Date

Checks if provided value is less than in selected field.


Number, Currency,Date,Text, Boolean, Picklist

Checks if the value of a field is equal to a specified value.

For example, the filter “Course fees Equals 20,000” will return records where the course fees field is 20,000

Not Equal

Text, Number, Currency, Date, Boolean, Picklist

Checks if the value of a field is not equal to a specified value.

Less or Equal

Number, Currency, Date

Checks if the value of a field is less than or equal to a specified value.

For example, the filter “Course fees Less or Equal 20,000” will return records where the course fees field is 20,000 or below 20000.

Greater or Equal

Number, Currency, Date

Checks if the value of a field is greater than or equal to a specified value.



Checks if the date value of a field falls within a specified range.


Text, Picklist

Checks if the text field contains a specified substring.

Does Not Contain

Text, Picklist

Checks if the text field does not contain a specified substring.

Starts With

Text, Picklist

Checks if the text field starts with a specified substring.

Ends With

Text, Picklist

Checks if the text or picklist field ends with a specified substring.

Custom Logic for Multiple Filters

Additionally, you can add multiple filter conditions and define custom logic for how they should be evaluated, such as 1 OR 2 AND 3.

  • AND: Provide results If all provided conditions are true

  • OR: Provide results If one of the provided conditions are true

Screenshot 2024-08-05 023840.png

Value Configurations

In this section, provide a value to compare or check against the selected field. You can provide a value by clicking on the gear icon.


Static Filter



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