Dashboard: Our Dashboard is informative and user-friendly as you can see all the information you need to know about your FTP Attachments® account. Many information has been shown using pictorial graph and in the tabular form.
User: Number of users for whom the FTP Attachments® license is available for your company
Active Users: Number of Active users who are currently using FTP Attachments® application
Remaining users: Number of Remaining users among your licensed users
Days Consumed: Number of days FTP Applications is being used
Days Remaining: Days remaining for your License to get expired
Expire On: License expiry date
Salesforce ORG ID: You can see ORG ID linked with this account
Subscription details: Details for all the applications you have subscribed under FTP account
Vertical Navigation bar is there in the left side of the Dashboard. Here you can configure all the settings you need to configure on FTP portal side.