List view Control Config

List view Control Config


The List View component presents records from various objects in a tabular format, arranged into rows and columns. It includes features such as pagination, search, sorting, and data export, allowing users to efficiently manage and interact with the displayed data.

While you can create multiple List Views for each object, each individual List View is associated with a single object.


Note: Users can easily set up new configurations by accessing the list view control options.


Attributes are the options available for each component, allowing you to customize its appearance and functionality. They help you tailor the look and behavior of your components to fit your needs.


Basic Attributes

Attribute Name


Attribute Name


Is List View Selectable Checkbox

  • This feature allows users to change the List View dynamically within the layout.

  • When enabled, a drop-down icon appears next to the object selector in the layout.

Note: After enabling this checkbox, the "Is Object Selectable" checkbox will become available.

Is Object Selectable Checkbox

  • This feature allows the end user to change the object at runtime.

  • When enabled, a drop-down icon appears next to the List View selector in layout.

Table Actions

  • You can create multiple table actions for the List View. By default, two actions are visible in the top right corner. New ,Refresh.

  • These actions are used to perform operations such as creating, refreshing, and managing selected or unselected records.

Overflow After

This feature allows you to control the number of actions displayed. Setting the limit to 1 will show only one action, with additional actions appearing in a drop-down menu.

Row Actions

  • Actions are performed at the record level for individual records.

  • These actions are primarily used to read, update, or delete a single record.

  • Each action is linked to a workflow that executes the specific operation. While default row actions include edit, delete, and view, you have the flexibility to create additional actions according to your needs.

Column Actions

  • You can set the actions at the column level on the List View.

  • You can assign only one action to any column.

  • When you click record in the column action gets executed. Each action has a workflow that actually performs an operation.

Layout For New

You can choose an existing layout from the list.

Layout for Edit Is Same As New


  • If the “Layout for Edit Is Same As New” checkbox is enabled, the layout selected for “Layout For New” will also apply to Edit operations.

  • If disabled, you can choose a different layout for editing from the available options.

Layout For Edit

You can select any layout from the drop-down for editing purposes.


You can set an offset for the query on the object.


Set the number of records to query at once.

Order By

  • You can specify the order in which fields are used to query and display records in the List View.

  • Records can be sorted in either ascending or descending order.

Filter Section Header

A search bar is available in the List View header, allowing users to filter based on field values as filters are applied.


Attribute Name


Attribute Name



  • This field allows you to choose an icon from different categories like utility, action, custom, doctype, and standard

  • A search bar option is available to search for icons by name

Show Index

Enabling this checkbox will display the index of records in the List View.

Is Export supported

If you check that checkbox then the download icon will appear on the right side of the search box

Create Table Action Configuration:






A Label is the name shown to users and can come from various sources.


Enter a unique the name for your action.


This option lets you choose from various icons to add to the action button.


This feature allows users to change the appearance of the action button.

  1. Neutral

  2. Brand

  3. Outline Brand

  4. Success

  5. Destructive

Visibility Type

It determines whether a component is visible on the layout. It offers the following visibility types:

  1. Always: The component will always be visible.

  2. Conditional: The component's visibility is determined based on specific criteria, which can make it either visible or hidden as needed.

Disability Type

It determines whether a component is disable on the layout. It offers the following visibility types:

  1. Never: There is no disable option for this component

  2. Always: The component will always be visible.

  3. Conditional: The component's visibility is determined based on specific criteria, which can make it either visible or hidden as needed.

Is Bulk Action Checkbox

If the bulk action checkbox is marked as true, it enables users to perform bulk actions on the selected items.

Minimum Record Count

The "Minimum Record Count" setting allows users to specify the minimum number of records required to perform a bulk action. This ensures that bulk actions are only triggered when a certain threshold of selected records is met

Label Source Type:






From this source, users can select a Model field to be displayed as the label name.


Here, users can select the label name from variables such as Record ID, Is Disabled, Is Read only, or Is Visible.

Cookie Key

Choose the available cookie key whose value you want to include from your browser.

Local Storage Key

Select the available Local Storage Key whose value you want to include from your browser.


Here, you can choose the label from user fields such as First Name, Last Name, Email, Name, Phone, or Session ID.

Merge Field Expression

Merge Field Expression displays the value selected from the chosen value source.

Message Body

Inside the message body, user also can add the values manually.

Column action Attributes:

Column Action Attributes


Column Action Attributes



A Label is the name shown to users and can come from various value sources.


Enter the unique for Column Action.

Visibility Type

It determines whether a component is visible on the layout. It offers the following visibility types:

  1. Always: The component will always be visible.

  2. Conditional: The component's visibility is determined based on specific criteria, which can make it either visible or hidden as needed.

Disability Type

It determines whether a component is disable on the layout. It offers the following visibility types:

  1. Never: There is no disable option for this component

  2. Always: The component will always be visible.

  3. Conditional: The component's visibility is determined based on specific criteria, which can make it either visible or hidden as needed.


Here, users can select the fields displayed in the List View table.

Label Value Source:

Label Source Type Attribute


Label Source Type Attribute


Model (Salesforce Object)

From this source, users can select a Model (Salesforce Object) field to be displayed as the label name.


Here, users can select the label name from variables such as Record ID, Is Disabled, Is Read only, or Is Visible.

Cookie Key

Choose the available cookie key whose value you want to include from your browser.

Local Storage Key

Select the available Local Storage Key whose value you want to include from your browser.


Here, you can choose the label from user fields such as First Name, Last Name, Email, Name, Phone, or Session ID.

Merge Field Expression

Merge Field Expression displays the value selected from the chosen value source.

Message Body

Inside the message body, user also can add the values manually.

Order By:


Configure actions that trigger automatically when the table or related list is loaded.

Onload Events:

  • Onload event occurs when the component has been loaded.

  • Here, only onload event actions are available for components.

Onload Event Actions

Onload Action


Onload Action



"None" indicates that no action, selection, or value is applied or chosen..

Push Model

"Push model action is executed to populate another layout, allowing data or configurations from one model to be transferred and displayed in a different layout.


A toaster is a small, non-intrusive pop-up notification that briefly appears on the screen to provide feedback to the user, such as confirmation of an action, a warning, or an error message


The redirect action is used to navigate the user to another layout or URL. This action seamlessly transitions the user to a different part of the application.

Push Model Config

Attribute Name


Attribute Name



Here, the user can select from the existing available layouts.

Hide Header Checkbox

When the 'Hide Header' checkbox is marked as true, it will hide the modal header, making the header invisible to the user.

Modal Header

In the modal header field, you can enter the name or title of the modal header, which will be displayed at the top of the modal window

Modal Size

In the modal size option, the user can choose the size of the modal from the available options: extra small, small, medium, large, or full screen

Event Mapping

In the event mapping section, the user can select from existing events and workflows. Additionally, they can map event variables to workflow variables, ensuring that data flows correctly between the event triggers and the associated workflows

Padding Location

The padding location can be set to various options including around, top, bottom, right, left, horizontal, or vertical, allowing the user to control the spacing inside the modal based on their specific needs.

Padding Size

The padding size can be set to various levels including xxx small, xx small, x small, small, medium, large, x large, or xx large, allowing for precise control over the amount of space around the content within the modal.

Event Mapping

Event Mapping Attributes


Event Mapping Attributes



In this section, the user can select either an existing event or a newly created event from the list provided.


For the selected event, the user can choose the appropriate workflow from the list of available workflows that should be associated with or used for that event.

Variables Mapping

Variable mapping: Here, the user can map event variables to workflow variables, establishing a connection between the data from the event and the corresponding variables in the workflow.

Variables Mapping

Variable mapping: Here, the user can map event variables to workflow variables, establishing a connection between the data from the event and the corresponding variables in the workflow

Variable Mapping Attributes


Variable Mapping Attributes


Event Variable

Here, the user can select from existing or created variables associated with the layout.

Destination Type

Destination type: Here, the user can select the destination for the event variable, choosing from various types such as Variable, Static, Cookie, Local Storage, Query Param, User, or Model.

Toaster Config

Toaster Config Attribute


Toaster Config Attribute



This option allows users to choose the type of toaster notification

  1. Success: Indicates a successful operation.

  2. Warning: Provides a cautionary message.

  3. Error: Displays an error or failure message.

  4. Info: Delivers informational messages.


This field allows users to enter the text or content to be displayed in the toaster notification. also user can select this field from various Source Type


In this field, you can add additional details to the toaster message. These details will be displayed below the main toaster message in a smaller font size.

Override Result

If this checkbox is marked as true, it allows you to add a customizable error message or object validation error message.

Message Source Type Config





Source Type

Here, the user can select the message from various source types.


Here, the user can select the value from different source types.

Merge Field Expression

Merge Field Expression displays the value selected from the chosen value source.

Message Body

Inside the message body, user also can add the values manually.

Message Source Type

Message Source Type Attributes


Message Source Type Attributes



This option allows users to choose a static value for the message or value.


This option allows users to select a value from a specific field.


This option allows users to select a value from a data model.


This option allows users to select a value from a defined variable.

Input Variable

This option allows users to select a value from an input variable. Input variables are user-defined and can be used to capture and utilize data provided by the user or external sources.

Cookie Key

This option allows users to select or define a key for storing or retrieving data from cookies. Cookies are small pieces of data stored in the user's browser.

Local Storage Key

This option allows users to select or define a key for storing or retrieving data from the browser's local storage.

Redirect Config

Redirect Config Attribute


Redirect Config Attribute


Redirect To

This field allows users to choose the destination for redirection.

  1. Layout: Redirects to a specific layout within the application.

  2. URL: Redirects to an external or internal URL.


Here, the user can select a layout from the provided list.


Here, the user can enter a specific URL to which they will be redirected.

Redirect Input Variable

Field Name


Field Name



A user-friendly name for the variable, used for easy identification within the application.


The unique identifier for the variable, typically used in code or within merge text.

Field Type

Specifies the type of data the variable will hold (e.g., text, number, date,etc).

Default Value

The initial value assigned to the variable, applied if no other value is provided.

Is Array

Checkbox that indicates whether the variable can store multiple values (an array) instead of just one.

Variable Scope

The Variable Scope defines the accessibility of the variable, with the following options:

In: The variable is used to receive input from another layout.

Out: The variable is used to pass data from the current layout to another layout.

In/Out: The variable is used for both input into and output from a layout, allowing for full bidirectional data flow.

Field Types:

Data Type


Data Type



Stores a string of characters, such as names or descriptions.


Represents a boolean value (true/false) typically used for on/off or yes/no selections.


Holds whole numbers without decimals, used for counting or numerical calculations.


Stores numbers with decimals, allowing for more precise calculations.


Represents a single Salesforce record, such as an account or contact.


Stores complex data structures or objects, often containing multiple fields or properties.


Used to represent monetary values, ensuring proper formatting and calculations.


Stores a calendar date (year, month, day) without time information.

Date Time

Stores both date and time information together.


A dropdown menu that allows users to select a single value from a predefined list.


Stores a list of keywords or labels used for categorization or filtering.


Specifically formatted to store email addresses.


Holds phone numbers, often with specific formatting.


Stores web addresses (Uniform Resource Locators) for linking to external resources.


Represents a group of mutually exclusive options where only one can be selected.


Stores time information without an associated date.


Stores numerical values represented as percentages, often used in calculations or metrics.

Text Area

Allows for the input of larger amounts of text, often used for comments or detailed descriptions.


Stores a length of time, typically used for measuring intervals or time spans.

Multi Picklist

Allows users to select multiple values from a predefined list.

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