Allows users to select currency and enter a value with the following details:
Currency Type: Currency type is a picklist where users can select their appropriate currency type INR, USD, GBP, etc
Minimum: A user can set the minimum value of the input
Maximum: A user can set the maximum value of the input
Decimal Places: The user can set decimal places. For eg., if the user sets the decimal value as 3 the data will be displayed as 1.123
Currency Selectable: If the currency selectable checkbox is true, then the user can select the currency type. If it is false, then by default currency type is preselected
Sortable: If a user makes a field sortable, then the records can be sorted in the table or listview in ascending or descending order
ReadOnly: A user can make the field as read-only
Help Text: User can enter help text for currency field
Description: User can enter description for currency field
Access Features
Queryable: The queryable feature reads a record from the database
Creatable: The creatable feature is used to create a record in the database
Editable: The editable feature is used to edit records in the database