This API is used to query records from a particular object
API queries records from the standard, custom, and metadata type object only if the user has the required access
HTTP method: POST
Base URL: https://api-{warehouse}.pwrapps.com
Endpoint: /data/v1/{instance}/{workspace}/query
API does not allow querying records of any object if the isQueryable is set as false
{ "objType": "test__Timesheet", "fields": [ "_id", "name", "test__Project_Name", "test__Task_Name", "test__Billable", "test__Time_Spent", "test__Timesheet_Date", "test__Test_Lookup", "test__Test_Integer" ], "filters": { "conditions": [{ "leftField": { "fieldOptions": { "name": "test__Timesheet_Date" } }, "operator": "greaterThanEqualTo", "rightField": { "type": "static", "fieldOptions": { "value": "2021-05-14" } }, "isNot": false }, { "leftField": { "fieldOptions": { "name": "test__Timesheet_Date" } }, "operator": "lessThanEqualTo", "rightField": { "type": "static", "fieldOptions": { "value": "2021-06-01" } }, "isNot": false }, { "conditions": [ { "leftField": { "fieldOptions": { "name": "test__Timesheet_Date" } }, "operator": "lessThanEqualTo", "rightField": { "type": "static", "fieldOptions": { "value": "2021-06-01" } }, "isNot": false } ], "evaluationCriteria": "and", "isCriteria": true, "isNot": false } ], "evaluationCriteria": "and" }, "orderBy": { "name": "asc" }, "limit": 200, "grouping": { "groupByFields": [], "aggregationFields": [] }, "searchText": "", "searchFields": [ "name" ], "showCount": true }
Required Parameter
Object name on which the query needs to perform
Optional Parameters
Fields arrays contain the field names of the object to be retrieved in the response
If the fields array is not provided in the body then it will return only _id, objType, and instance of the records
The query returns an error if an invalid field or field which is not in the object is provided in the request body
You can apply conditions to filter records to be queried
Conditions in the filters consist of leftfield, rightfield, operator, isNot, and conditions
The left field is the object that contains fieldsOptions: {name: "fieldName"} where fieldName is the field on which the condition is applied
The right field is the object that contains fieldsOptions: {value: fieldvalue} where fieldValue is the value for which the record will be searched
Operators can be equals/eq, notEquals/ne, lessThan/lt, greaterThan/gt, lessThanEqualTo/lte, greaterThanEqualTo/gte, contains/c, startsWith/sw, endsWith/ew, in, notIn, match/mt, btw, any, as per the field type selected in the left field
isNot accepts a boolean value. If isNot is true, then it will filter not of the given condition, else will filter as per the given condition
conditions inside the conditions act as sub-conditions of the filter
Evaluation criteria are the logical operators to combine two or more conditions with “and” & “or”, conditions are combined with “and“ by default
The orderBy contains the object with the field name as key and asc or desc as value
If the orderBy is {fieldName: asc} then the records will be sorted in ascending order
If the orderBy is {fieldName: dsc} then the records will be sorted in descending order
Grouping contains the groupByFields and aggregationFields fields
The records are grouped by the fields provided in the groupByFields array
The aggregationFields is an array of objects where each object contains an operator, field, and name
Operator value can be sum, min, max, count, or avg
Based on the aggregation operation, this field contains the name of the field on which the aggregation operation needs to be performed
Number of the records to be queried at once
e.g. if there are 200 records of an object and you set a limit of 100 then it will query the first 100 records and show them on the List View
The default limit is 200 or as per the page size if the records need to be displayed on the table or listview
You can set the offset for the query on the object
If the offset is “n“ then the query will take the records “n+1” onwards
For e.g. if there are 200 records and you set offset 100 then it will show records from the 101st record on the List View
Contains the text to search the record by searchable fields
It contains an array of searchable fields
showCount accepts a boolean value
If showCount is true, then the query shows the count of records retrieved
If showCount is false, then the query does not show the count of records retrieved
Operator Label | Positive Operator Name |
Equals | eq, = |
notEquals | ne, != |
Contains | c |
Starts With | sw |
Ends With | ew |
In | in |
Less Than | lt, > |
Greater Than | gt, < |
Less Than Equals | lte, >= |
Greater Than Equals | get, <= |
Between | btw |
Match | mt |
All Of | all |
Any Of | any |
None Of | none |
Exactly | exactly |
during | during |
Period Component Query
The period Component query is only applicable for Date and DateTime fields.
The value type used in the period query are as follows
If we set the value type custom then we have to give the value
ex. {valueType: custom, value: “2023-06-24”}
If we set the value type relative then it will take the value as the current date and time
The operators used in a period component query are as follows
Fiscal Year and Fiscal Quarter
You can set the fiscal year on the instance using the field FYYearStartMonth
For example, you set FYYearStartMoth:
{ label: “Mar”, value:3}
Then your year will start to March to Feb
The period units used in the period component query are as follows
days: n
If conditions: { periodUnit: days, periodCount: 'n'}
It will return the records which are created between the current date to 'n' days
If conditions: { periodUnit: days, periodCount: 'n'}
It will return the records which are created from the 'n' days prior to the current date
weeks: n
If conditions: { createdOn: "weeks:n"}
It will return the records which are created between the current week to 'n' weeks
If conditions: { createdOn: "weeks:-n"}
It will return the records which are created from the 'n' weeks prior to the current week
months: n
If conditions: { createdOn: "weeks:n"}
It will return the records which are created between the current month to 'n' months
If conditions: { createdOn: "weeks:-n"}
It will return the records which are created from the 'n' months prior to the current month
calQuarters: n (calendar quarter)
If conditions: { createdOn: "calQuarters:n"}
It will return the records which are created between the current calendar quarter to 'n' calendar quarters
If conditions: { createdOn: "calQuarters:n"}
It will return the records which are created from the 'n' calendar quarter prior to the current calendar quarter till the current calendar quarter
fYQuarters: n (financial quatrer)
If conditions: { createdOn: "fYQuarters:n"}
It will return the records which are created between the current financial quarter to 'n' financial quarters
If conditions: { createdOn: "fYQuarters:n"}
It will return the records which are created from the 'n' financial quarter prior to the current financial quarter till the current financial quarter
calYears: n (current calendar year)
If conditions: { createdOn: "calYears:n"}
It will return the records which are created between the current calendar year to 'n' calendar years
If conditions: { createdOn: "calYears:n"}
It will return the records which are created from the 'n' calendar year prior to the current calendar year till the current calendar year
fYYears: n (current financial year)
If conditions: { createdOn: "fYYears:n"}
It will return the records which are created between the current financial year to 'n' financial years
If conditions: { createdOn: "fYYears:n"}
It will return the records which are created from the 'n' financial year prior to the current financial year till the current financial year
By using an equals operator we will fetch records of the provided value
valueType: custom
If conditions: {valueType: “custom”, periodUnit: days, periodCount: n}
It will return records of the date which comes according to the period count
If conditions: {valueType: “custom”, periodUnit: weeks, periodCount: n}
It will return records of the date which comes according to the period count and period unit
ex. {value: 2023-06-23, periodCount: 3 then it will return records of date 2023-07-14}
If conditions: {valueType: “custom”, periodUnit: months, periodCount: n}
It will return records of the date which comes according to the period count and period unit
ex. {value: 2023-06-23, periodCount: 3 then it will return records of date 2023-09-23}
If conditions: {valueType: “custom”, periodUnit: calQuarter, periodCount: n}
It will return records of the date which comes according to the period count and period unit
ex. {value: 2023-06-23, periodCount: 3 then it will return records of date 2024-02-23}
If conditions: {valueType: “custom”, periodUnit: calYear, periodCount: n}
It will return records of the date which comes according to the period count and period unit
ex. {value: 2023-06-23, periodCount: 3 then it will return records of date 2026-06-23}
valueType: relative
If conditions: {valueType: “relative”, periodUnit: calQuarter, periodCount: n}
It will return records of the date which comes according to the period count and period unit
ex. {value: “today’s date and time”, periodCount: 3 then it will return records of date “today’s date + periodCount”
During Operator
During means some time between the beginning and the end of a period
The during operator of the period component query is applicable for the Date and DateTime fields
Relative Literals in period component query
If condition{ period: ”yesterday”}
It will return the previous day's record from the current day
If condition{ period: ”tomorrow”}
It will return the next day's record from the current day
If condition{ period: ”today”}
It will return the current day record
If condition{ period: ”next7Days”}
It will return the next 7 day's records from the current day
If condition{ period: ”next30Days”}
It will return the next 30 day's records from the current day
If condition{ period: ”next60Days”}
It will return the next 60 day's records from the current day
If condition{ period: ”next90Days”}
It will return the next 90 day's records from the current day
If condition{ period: ”next180Days”}
It will return the next 180 day's records from the current day
If condition{ period: ”previous7Days”}
It will return the previous 7 day's records from the current day
If condition{ period: ”previous30Days”}
It will return the previous 30 day's records from the current day
If condition{ period: ”previous60Days”}
It will return the previous 60 day's records from the current day
If condition{ period: ”previous90Days”}
It will return the previous 90 day's records from the current day
If condition{ period: ”previous180Days”}
It will return the previous 180 day's records from the current day
If condition{period: “currentWeek”}
It will return the current week records
If condition {period: “nextWeek”}
It will return the next week records from the current week
If condition {period: “previousWeek}
It will return the previous week records from the current week
If condition {period: “currentAndNextWeek”}
It will return the next week and the current week records
If condition {period: “currentAndPreviousWeek}
It will return the previous week and the current week's’s records
If condition{period: “currentMonth”}
It will return the current month records
If condition {period: “nextMonth”}
It will return the next month records from the current month
If condition {period: “previousMonth}
It will return the previous month records from the current month
If condition {period: “currentAndNextMonth”}
It will return the next month and the current month records
If condition {period: “currentAndPreviousMonth}
It will return the previous month and the current month records
If condition{period: “currentCalendarQuarter”}
It will return the current calendar quarter records
If condition {period: “nextCalendarQuarter”}
It will return the next calendar quarter records from the current calendar quarter
If condition {period: “previousCalendarQuarter}
It will return the previous calendar quarter records from the current calendar quarter
If condition {period: “currentAndNextCalendarQuarter”}
It will return the next calendar quarter and the current calendar quarter records
If condition {period: “currentAndPreviousCalendarQuarter}
It will return the previous calendar quarter and the current calendar quarter records
If condition{period: “currentCalendarYear”}
It will return the current calendar year records
If condition {period: “nextCalendarYear”}
It will return the next calendar year records from the current calendar year
If condition {period: “previousCalendarYear}
It will return the previous calendar year records from the current calendar year
If condition {period: “currentAndNextCalendarYear”}
It will return the next calendar year and the current calendar year records
If condition {period: “currentAndPreviousCalendarYear}
It will return the previous calendar year and the current calendar year records
If condition{period: “currentFiscalQuarter”}
It will return the current fiscal quarter records
If condition {period: “nextFiscalQuarter”}
It will return the next fiscal quarter records from the current fiscal quarter
If condition {period: “previousFiscalQuarter}
It will return the previous fiscal quarter records from the current fiscal quarter
If condition {period: “currentAndNextFiscalQuarter”}
It will return the next fiscal quarter and the current fiscal quarter records
If condition {period: “currentAndPreviousFiscalQuarter”}
It will return the previous fiscal quarter and the current fiscal quarter records
If condition{period: “currentFiscalYear”}
It will return the current fiscal year records
If condition {period: “nextFiscalYear”}
It will return the next fiscal year records from the current fiscal year
If condition {period: “previousFiscalYear”}
It will return the previous fiscal year records from the current fiscal year
If condition {period: “currentAndNextFiscalYear”}
It will return the next fiscal year and the current fiscal year records
If condition {period: “currentAndPreviousFiscalYear”}
It will return the previous fiscal year and the current fiscal year records
Period Custom During Operator
If the period is custom, then rangeFlow, startDate, and endDate should be required
You can set rangFlow in two ways start and end
If you can set rangeFlow as a start then the start date should be required
For Example: {periodUnit: days, periodCount: 1, rangeFlow: “start”, startDate: 2023-06-22}
It will return the record which starts from 2023-06-22 and ends after one day
If you can set rangeFlow as a end then the end date should be required
For Example: {periodUnit: days, periodCount: 1, rangeFlow: “end”, endDate: 2023-06-22}
It will return the record which starts from 2023-06-22 and ends before one day
Since the end will return previous records and the start will return the next records according to the given periodUnit and periodCount