A List View is a filtered list of records where you can view records for one object at a time
In a list view, you see only the data that you have access to
The List View helps to present records in table format i.e it has rows and columns
List View provides features like pagination, searching, sorting, data export, etc.
One object can have multiple List Views
However, one List View can be associated with a single object
The selected object label is visible there
Both standard and custom objects are listed here
List View-
The selected object list view is visible there
One object can have multiple List Views
You can select only one List View at a time
You can select the List View name from the list
List View will be visible once you select an object and List View
Table Actions-
You can only show two actions, which are visible in the top right corner i.e New, Refresh
These actions are mainly used to perform operations
New- To create New record you can use New action
Refresh- To Refresh record you can use Refresh action
Each action has a workflow that actually performs an operation
Search Bar-
You can use the search bar to find a specific record in the list
Filters are used to sort records
If you have thousands of records, you can apply a filter, sorting the data according to the filter criteria
For more details please refer the link Filter Designer
List View Controls-