Navigation node used to display the nodes in Vertical Navigation Component
You can add multiple navigation nodes inside the Vertical Navigation, also you can add multiple child nodes inside navigation nodes
You can add nodes only in Navigation
Show Icon
Is Edit Mode?
The label is a short description given to the node
Generally, the label is displayed on the node
Allows you to select various types of icons
Allows you to specify URL for nodes
You can specify the URL for the navigation node, e.g if you specify https://www.google.com for the navigation node when you click on it, you will be redirected to the Google page.
URL comes in two target
_self: If you specify _self target for URL then the URL is displayed on the same page
_blank: If you specify _blank target for URL then the URL is displayed on the next page
Is selectable
If the checkbox is true, then in preview mode, a selectable checkbox is displayed on the right corner of the navigation node