The List View component represents a list of records that you have access to
The List View component helps to present records in table format i.e it has rows and columns
List View provides functionality like pagination, searching, sorting, data export etc.
One object can have multiple List Views
However, one List View can be associated with the single object
1. Object
You need to select the object for which you want to show the List View
Only standard and custom objects will be listed here
2. List View Name
One object can have multiple List Views
You can select only one List View at a time
You can select the List View name from the list
List View will be visible once you select an object and List View
3. Is List View Selectable
This allows the end user to change the List View at runtime
If selected it shows a drop-down icon next to the object selector
4. Is Object Selectable
This allows the end user to change the object at runtime
If selected it shows a drop-down icon next to the List View selector
5. Table Actions
You can create multiple table actions on the List View
You can only show two actions, which are visible in the top right corner, and the rest of the actions are displayed under a drop-down at the right
These actions are mainly used to perform operations such as create, refresh, etc. on the selected records or without records
Each action has a workflow that actually performs an operation
Steps to create Table Action
You can add the table actions by clicking on the '+' icon
Fill in all the details in Create Table Action model and click the Save button
For table actions, you need to create a workflow, refer to this link Workflows
6. Row Action
Actions to be performed at the record level for the respective record
These actions are mainly used to perform read, update or delete a single record
Each action has a workflow that actually performs an operation
Default row actions are edit, delete, and view, but you can create more actions as per your needs as shown below
Steps to create Row Action
You can add the row actions by clicking on the '+' icon
Fill in all the details in Create Row Action model and click the Save button
For row actions, you need to create a workflow, refer to this link Workflows
7. Column Action
You can set the actions at the column level on the List View
You can assign only one action to any column
When you click record in the column action gets executed
Each action has a workflow that actually performs an operation
When you set column action, that cell becomes a link
Steps to create Column Action
You can add the column actions by clicking on the '+' icon
Fill in all the details in Create Column Action model and click the Save button
8. Layout For New
You can set the layout for table action New
When you click the New button layout that you set will open
9. Layout For Edit
You can set the layout for row action Edit
When you click the Edit from the row action layout that you set will open
10. Is the Same As New
Check this checkbox, if you want to keep the same layout for new and edit
11. Offset
You can set the offset for the query on the object
If the offset is ānā then the query will take the records ān+1ā onwards
For e.g. if there are 200 records and you set offset 100 then it will show records from 101st record on the List View
12. Limit
Number of the records to be queried at once
e.g. if there are 200 records of an object and you set a limit of 100 then it will query the first 100 records and show them on the List View
13. Order By
You can set the order by on the fields to records to be queried and displayed in the List View
You can order records in ascending or descending manner
14. Icon
You can select the icon to be displayed on the List View
Generally icon displays on the left side of the header and subheader
15. No Icon
The icon will not be displayed if this checkbox is checked
16. Inline Edit
Records can be edited at the List View if this checkbox is checked
If checked, a pencil icon will appear when you hover over the record
Inline edit allows changing the value of a field, without needing to navigate to a record
17. Show Index
To show the index of records on the List View
18. Show Page Size Drop Down up
Generally, a drop-down list opens a list of items in a downward direction
If you check this check box it will open a list in an upward direction
19. Is Export Supported?
If you check that checkbox then the download icon will appear on the right side of the search box
Upon clicking the download icon on the List View, all the records can be exported in a CSV file
How to Configure:
Goto Components tab
Search and select the component
Drag and drop the component in the layout. You can also select the drop zone in a layout and then click on the component it will add in place of the drop zone
Following are the common configurations of components on the layout:
Component Size: The user can modify the size of the component in the layout as per grid size
Padding Location: Defines the position of the padding for a component. The padding creates extra space within a component.
Around: Creates padding around the component
Top: Creates padding at the top of the component
Left: Creates padding at the left side of the component
Bottom: Creates padding at the bottom of the component
Right: Creates padding at the right side of the component
Horizontal: Creates padding horizontally
Vertical: Creates padding vertically
Padding Size: The padding size of the component can be set to:
Style: Styles described how fields should be rendered in preview mode. Users need to create one cdn link from the CSS tab on the layout designer page for use styles
Classes: Classes are used to apply unique styling and formatting to the fields in preview mode. Users need to create one cdn link from the CSS tab on the layout designer page for using classes
Margin Location: Defines the position of the margin for a component. margin creates extra space around a component.
Around: Margin gets added around the component
Top: Margin gets added at the top of the component
Left: Margin gets added at the left side of the component
Bottom: Margin gets added at the bottom of the component
Right: Margin gets added at the right side of the component
Horizontal: Margin gets added horizontally
Vertical: Margin gets added vertically
Margin Size: The margin size of the view can be set to:
Never: The field cannot be visible
Always: The field will be always visible
Conditional: Depending on the visibility criteria, the field can be set as visible or not
Never: The field cannot be read-only
Always: The field will be always read-only
Conditional: Depending on the read-only criteria, the field can be set as read-only or not
Never: The field cannot be disabled
Always: The field will be always disabled
Conditional: Depending on the disability criteria, the field can be set as disabled or not
New Section:
Layout item Label: This field show the name of the components with the count of its usage e.g: if you are adding the section for third time in a layout then it will display with label of Section 3