Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Use: Users can use buttons to perform form actions e.g save, preview, cancel. users can use buttons with different colors to convey different meanings.

How to use a button on the layout designer page:


  1. Goto component section


2. Search and select the button component in the component section

3. Drag and drop button component on layout


Configurations of a button component

  1. Label: To display on UI 

  2. Name: To save at the backend, instance prefix will append in case of custom object 

  3. Variant: The button comes in five variants: neutral, brand, outline-brand, destructive, and success.


The neutral button: To make the button simple use the neutral button variant


Brand button: Has more emphasis, as they use a color fill and shadow.


Outline-brand button: Is used for more emphasis than neutral buttons, these buttons do not have an outer border


Success button: indicates a successful or positive action. it has a green color style.



  • Buttons are clickable items used to perform an action

  • Button event invokes workflow associated with it, which actually performs actions such as save, new, cancel, etc




  • The label is a short description displayed on the button.



  • Allows to show Buttons in different color formats

  • The Button component comes in five variants

    • Neutral: Neutral is the default variant of the Button which is displayed in white color

    • Brand: Brand is a blue Button, used to draw attention to the primary action on a page

    • Outline-brand: Outline-brand is similar to the brand variant but the color is used for the label and border only, not the Button color

    • Destructive: Destructive is a red Button used to warn that the action has a negative effect

    • Success: Success is a green Button used to indicate a successful action


Left Icon

  • Displays the icon on the left side of the Button Label

  • You can also remove the icon by clickng on “x“ which appears on the icon


Right Icon

  • Displays the icon on the right side of the Button Label

  • You can also remove the icon by clickng on “x“ which appears on the icon


Click Action

  • You can perform a click action on the Button

  • e.g. if you set the success action for the Button click event, a success message will be displayed

  • Following is an example of how to perform a Click Action


  • Go to Events


  • Go to click>search and select Toaster from the Action drop-down

  • Click gear icon


  • Select the Success action


  • Click on the Save button

  • Save the layout and run the layout

  • Click on Preview

  • After clicking on the button, a Success Message will be displayed


Include Page
Common configurations for components at the layout
Common configurations for components at the layout