Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



users to enter any combination of letters and numbers


Text fields can contain a maximum of 255 characters


The default size of the text field is 20 characters

  • Following are the properties:

  1. Required: The user can make the text field required

  2. Unique: The user can make the text field unique

  3. Default: The user can set the default value

  4. Minimum & Maximum Length: The user can set the minimum and maximum length

  5. Pattern: A text pattern is an expression that users can use to evaluate whether a string contains a particular pattern of characters. Text patterns consist of special characters and characters.

    1. Characters are:

      1. ^ (caret)

      2. $ (dollar sign)

      3. [ ] (brackets)

      4. + (plus)

      5. * (asterisk)

      6. ? (question mark)

6. Read Only: The user can make the text field read-only

7. Sortable: If the user makes the field sortable, then the record will be sorted by ascending or descending order and vice versain a single line.

Field creation properties:

  • Label: To display on UI

  • Name: To save at backend, instance prefix will append in case of custom object

  • Required: You can set this field as required or mandatory. So, the record cannot be saved without entering the value in this field

  • Unique: If the field is set as unique then more than one record cannot be saved with the same value in this field

  • Minimum Length: Set the minimum length of the text which can be entered while record creation, this can’t be less than 1

  • Maximum Length: Set the maximum length of the text which can be entered while the record creation. This can’t be less than the minimum length provided. This can’t be more than 255

  • Pattern: You can set the pattern of the input by adding regex

  • ReadOnly <> Read-only: You can set this field as read-only. Users can put the value in this field only while record creation

  • Sortable: Value in fields can be sorted in ascending or descending order on the listview if this is set as true

  • Default Value: You can set a default value to the field which can be updated or changed while creating the record

  • Help Text: This text will be visible at the top right corner of the field as a popover

  • Description: You can give the description of the field while creation

  • Access Feature

    • Queryable: Query can be performed on this field

    • Creatable: Record can be created with value in this field

    • Editable: Value in this field can be edited