If you check that checkbox download icon will appear at the right side of the search box
If you click on the download icon on listview, all the records can be exported in CSV format
21. Is Local Export?
List view creation
You need to provide the following information whatile creating a list view
Label: Label is used to identify the list view at the UI. You can have multiple list views with the same label in an instance, the label of the listview can be edited if needed
Name: The name is the combination of the instance prefix (the unique identifier of the instance) and the given label joined with double underscores which are used to uniquely identifies the list view within the PWR Apps platform. Hence, it is used to perform backend operations
For example, if the instance prefix is “inst” and the label of the listview is “List View”, then then the name of the list view will be “inst__listView”
Object: You need to select the object for which you want to create the list view
Sharing Settings: To manage access to the list view. The List view access can be:
Only Me: Only the creator of the list view can access the list view
Public: All the members of the instance can access the list view
Specific User or Profile: You can define the set of users or profiles who can access the list view
List view
Icon: You can set the icon for the list view
Object name: For which the list view is created
List view label: Which list view is selected
Number of records in the object: Total number of records in the object
Table actions: Actions on the list view
Search bar: To search the particular records, a search will be performed on the fields which are selected as search fields
Filter: To filter the records on the list view. This will filter will be removed as soon as the page is loaded or refreshed
Export: All the records from the listview can be exported in CSV, excel, or pdf format
Display Fields: Object fields to be displayed in the listview
Index: Show the index on the records
Row Actions: Actions to be performed at the record level
Page Size: Total records to be displayed on one page
Pagination: To go to other pages if the record count is more. Maximum pages= (total number of records/page size)
Setting: You can change the list view setting as per your requirements using the following options:
New: To create the new list view of the selected object
Clone: This will clone the selected list view will all the settings and configurations
Rename: Selected listview can be renamed
Display Fields: You can select the fields of the object to be displayed in the list view. The name field is the default display field in any listview, which can be changed
Search Fields: You can select the fields of the object on which you want the search to be performed. The name field is the default display field in any listview, which can be changed
Filter Fields: You can select the fields using which you can filter the records on the list view
UI Fields:
Filters: You can define the filters on the records to be displayed on the list view
Delete: To delete the list view. Only the admin or the list view creator can perform the delete operation
Sharing Settings: The creator of the list view can change the sharing setting even after the list view creation
Config: Following are the configurations of the listview
Is List View Selectable: The user can change the list view if this is set as true
Is Object Selectable: The User can change the object if this is set as true
Table Actions: You can create multiple actions on the list view. These actions are mainly used to perform create, read, update or delete in bulk on object
Row Actions: You can create multiple actions at the row level on the list view. These actions are mainly used to perform ready, update or delete a single record
Column Actions: You can set the actions at the column level on the listview. In PWR Apps, 1st-row action is treated as the 1st column action
Layout For New: In the PWR Apps, one object can have multiple record layouts. Hence, you can set which record layout should get open while creating a new record
Layout For Edit: Similar to the Layout For New, you can set the record layout to edit the record
Is Same As New: Check this checkbox, If you want to keep the same layout for new and edit.
Offset: You can set the offset for the query on the object. If the offset is “n“ then the query will take the records “n+1” onwards
Limit: Number of the records to be queried at once
Order By: You can set the order by on the fields to records to be queried and displayed in the list view
Filter Section Header: Text entered in the field will be displayed as the header of the modal while applying filters
Icon: You can select the icon to be displayed on the listview
No Icon: Icon will not be displayed if this checkbox is checked
Inline Edit: Records can be edited at the list view if this checkbox is checked
Show Index: To show the index of records on the list view
Show Page Size Drop Down up:
You can bind the actions to all the Table, Row, and Column actions from events
List view comes with the following default actions, which can be edited as per requirements. You can perform these actions only if you have specific access to the object as well as the field level:
Table actions
New: To create a new record
Refresh: Query the records
Delete Selected: This is bulk action. This action will be visible only after selecting 2 or more records and deleting all the selected records
Row actions
View: This action opens the record in view mode
Edit: This will open the record in edit mode
Delete: To delete the specific record
Colum actions
1st-row action will be treated as the 1st column action
If any lookup type field is selected as a display field then the column action will open the parent record in view mode
If any email and the phone type field is selected as display field the column action will open the default mailer or dialer, respectively
List view on the Layout
List views can be used on the layout as well.