Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Create a MultiRecord model

    • Go to the Model tab

    • Click on the + icon

    • Enter information, click Save


  • Click Details tab

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  1. Label: Label is used to identify the model at the UI

  2. Name: Name is the unique identifier of the model

  3. Type: Select the type from the dropdown menu i.e. Record, API, Aggregate, and Item

  4. Record Count: Select the record count from the dropdown menu i.e Singlerecord and Multirecord

  5. Is Shared?:

  6. Object Def: Select the obj def from the dropdown that you want to bind the model to

  7. Offset:

  8. Limit: Set the limit for how many records you want to display at a time

  9. Order By:

    1. Click on the + icon

    2. Fill in the information, click Save


  1. Field name: Select the field name from the dropdown menu

  2. Sort As: Select the option Ascending or Descending from the dropdown menu

  • Click Fields tab

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    • Select the field. These fields are added to the selected fields

    • These selected fields are added to the model

  • Click the UI Fields tab

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    • Click New button

      • Enter Label & Name, click on the Config icon

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      • Enter information, click Save

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  1. Field Source: Select the field source from the dropdown menu

    1. Field:

    2. Variable:

    3. Model:

    4. Static:

    5. Cookie:

    6. LocalStorage:

    7. QueryParam:

    8. User:

  2. Merge Field Expression:

  3. Message Body:

  • Click the Criteria tab

  • Click on the Filter + icon

    • Filter:

      • A model filter contains a list of Model Conditions

      • You can filter your models by using the Filter

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  1. Field Name: Select the field name from the dropdown menu for which you want to add criteria

  2. Operator: Select the field name from the dropdown menu.

    1. Equals: Used to compare two values or expressions

    2. NotEquals: Checks whether two values are not equal

    3. start with: Checks any string that starts with

    4. Contains: Indicates a search for any of the specified words within a particular attribute

    5. EndsWith: String ends with the specified value

    6. In: Allows you to easily test if an expression matches any value in a list of values

  3. Source Type: Select the source type from the dropdown menu, e.g. Field, Variable, Model, Static, Cookie, LocalStorage, QueryParam, User

  4. Variables: Select the variable from the dropdown menu, e.g. Record Id


  • On which destination do you won't compare your criteria

  • There are multiple source types available

    • Static:

    • Input:

    • Variable:

      • Click + icon

      • Create Variable, click Save

        • Label:

        • Name:

        • Field Type:

        • Required:

        • Is Array:

        • Default Value:

        • Variable Scope:

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    • Cookie:

    • Context:

  • Create Criteria

    • Click on the + icon

    • Add Criteria, click Save
