To hide the Show Spinner hide spinner is used
For more details about Show Spinner refer to this linkShow Spinner
Create a Hide Spinner workflow
Click the Workflow tab, and refer to this link Workflows
Drag and drop the Show Spinner action
Drag and drop Query Record action
For detailed information about Query Record refer to this linkQuery Records
Drag and drop Hide Spinner action
Click on Config
Layout Items: You can set the layout to give the workflow action e.g If you drag and drop the table component in the layout then select the table from layout items
Click on Action Details
The label is a short description given to the Hide Spinner
Generally, the label is displayed on the Hide Spinner
You can give the description to the Hide Spinner
Go to event search and select Workflow from Action
Click on the gear icon
Select your Workflow from drop-down
Save and Run the Layout
In Preview mode Hide Spinner Action is displays