Field Source:
Select the field source from the dropdown menu
Field: The object that adds to the model, those fields are displayed in the field attribute
Select the fields from the dropdown menu
Variable: Variables are containers for storing data values in PWR Apps
There are different types of variables such as Integer, Double, Date, Time, etc.
Select the variable from the dropdown menu
Model: The model you created will be displayed
Select the model from the dropdown menu
Static: You can enter any (hardcoded) value
e.g. Static: Test
Cookie: A cookie is a piece of data, that is stored within a web browser
If you have stored some value in cookies like sidSID, so you can get it from cookies
e.g. Cookie: Name - Record, Value - 12345
LocalStorage: Local storage is a piece of data, that is stored within a web browser
If you have stored some value in local storage like data, so you can get it from storage
e. g. LocalStorage: Key - isAdmin, Value - true
QueryParam: Query parameters are a defined set of parameters attached to the end of a URL
e.g. QueryParam: www.test.com?Name
User: The fields that are present in a user's profile that will be displayed
Select the field from the dropdown menu such as First Name, Last Name, Name, Phone, Email, Is Active, Id, Session Id
Merge Field Expression: A field is formed during the expression and many expressions are created by using a merge field
An expression is added to the message body by clicking the + icon
Message Body: In the merge, field expression will be displayed in the message body
Field Name: Names of fields that are present in the object
You can add criteria to that field
select Select the field name from the dropdown menu
Operator: The operator is a character that represents a specific mathematical or logical action
Select the operator from the dropdown menu
Equals: Used to compare two values
NotEquals: Checks whether two values are not equal
Start with: Checks any string that starts with
Contains: Indicates a search for any of the specified words within a particular attribute
EndsWith: String ends with the specified value
In: Allows you to easily test if an expression matches any value in a list of values
Source Type:
Select the source type from the dropdown menu
Such as Field, Variable, Model, Static, Cookie, LocalStorage, QueryParam, User
Select the variables from the dropdown menu, e.g. Record Id
Select a Multi Record Model
In the basic config, Click + icon
Add the Model and click Save
For a Single record Record Model, the same procedure is used.
On which destination do you won't want to compare your criteria
There are multiple source types available
Static: You can enter any (hardcoded) value
Variable: Variables are containers for storing data values in PWR Apps
Click + icon
Create Variable, click Save
Label: To display as a label for the field
Name: To uniquely identify the field within the form
Field Type: You can select the field type from the dropdown
Field: Text, Checkbox, Integer, Double, etc.
Required: If this checkbox is checked, the field is required
Is Array: If this checkbox is checked, the field is stored in the array
Default Value: You can set a default value for the variable
Variable Scope: A variable's scope determines where in a form a variable is available for use
The variable scope comes in 3 types
Cookie: A cookie is a piece of data, that is stored within a web browser