Checkbox used to hide the search box of a table// add ss
12. Hide Page Size
It is a checkbox used to hide the page size dropdown// add ssdropdow
13. No Header
Checkbox used to hide the header part of a table
The header includes, Title, Sub Title, Table Actions, Search Box, Reset Column Width, Filter
// add ss “Table without header“
14. No Footer
Checkbox The checkbox is used to hide the footer
You can hide the row actions on the table by checking the checkbox
// add ss
16. Page Size Options
You can set the page size of the Table
You can select multiple sizes from the list
Available sizes are 20, 50, 100, 200
// add ss
17. Default Page Size
You can set the default page size from the available set
// add ss
18. Key Field
19. Show Page Size Drop Down Up
The checkbox is used to display the dropdown list of page sizes above the drop-down
20. Table Actions
You can add the table actions by clicking on the '+' icone.g. New, Refresh actions
Click on save, the table action will be visible
For table actions, you need to create a workflow, refer to this link Workflows
21. Row Actions
You can add the row actions by clicking on the '+' icone.g. Edit, Delete actions
Click on save, the row action will be visible
For row actions, you need to create a workflow, refer to this Workflows
22. Column Actions
You can add the column actions by clicking on the '+' icon
23. Is Export Supported?
Records in a Table can be exported
All the records can be exported in CSV, excel, or pdf format