The label is a short description given to the Progress Bar
Generally, the label is displayed in the component at the top left corner
Progress bar size
Progress Bars are available in four sizes i.e x-small, small, medium, large
Variants display the Progress Bar with different colors to convey different meanings, progress bar comes in five variants:
Default: Shows Progress Bar in blue color
Inverse: Shows Progress Bar in gray color
Success: Shows Progress Bar in green color, used to indicate a successful operation
Warning: Shows Progress Bar in yellow color, used to warn about operation state
Error: Shows Progress Bar in red color, shows that the operation has a negative effect
The percentage value of the Progress Bar, value is an indication of progress, eg. the Progress Bar denotes completion when the value is 100
Show percentage
To indicate the progress of an operation in terms of percentage
Show rounded
It adds a border radius to the Progress Bar to give it a rounded look
Show vertical
Displays a vertical Progress Bar from top to bottom to indicate the progress of an operation.
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