Push Modal is a container that contains fields
Push Modal lets you create a record
Push Modal is created on the Application layout
Layout: Select the layout for which you want to create a record
Modal Header: Enter the header name in this field, which will display as a Header in Push Modal
Modal Size: Select the size of your Push Modal size
Event Mapping: Select an event by Clicking + to perform a workflow on a particular Event
Event:Select which event you want to perform
Workflow:Select the workflow
Unsubscribe Once Emitted Event:If the checkbox is checked, the event is unsubscribed after executing the event
Variable Mapping:You can map variables for storing the Event
Event Variable: Select your created Variable event on which you want to store the Event.
Destination Type: Select the type of your Variable.
Padding Location: Select the location in which you want to change the padding size
Padding Size: Select the padding size.
Action Details
Label: Label is used to identify the Push Modal at UI
Name: Name is the unique identifier of the modal
Description: Description is some information about the workflow action
Push Modal Creation
Create a Workflow action Workflows
Drag and drop the Push model.
Click on Save.
Return to the Layout Page.