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Features are nothing but a set of properties users can add to any application while creating an application.

Features can be of two types standard and custom, Features can have parent features if sub-features are dependent on the parent feature for eg orektic__timesheet is the parent feature of orektic__timesheetUser.

The feature can be of the following types:

  • Checkbox

  • Records

  • Numbers

  • API

  • Storage

A checkbox is a boolean type of feature type it will store value in a boolean format i.e True or False. That means if the scope of the feature is instance and the checkbox value is true then we will get to know all the users of that instance have access to that particular feature and if the checkbox value is false then we will get to know if any instance or user has no access to that particular feature. checkbox type of feature would be a custom type of feature. The checkbox type of feature has no reset period and the scope of the checkbox feature could be an instance or user.

Records indicate the number of records can a user create using that feature, a record would be a custom type of feature. records type of feature has no reset period and the scope of the feature could be an instance or user.

Number type of feature indicates the number of records can user create using that feature. we can reset the number type of feature annually or daily. scope of the number type of feature could be user or instance i.e if the scope is user then the feature assigned to a user can have access to that feature and if the scope is instance then all the users have access to that instance have access to that feature.

API type of feature indicates a number of APIs that can use in that feature. we can reset such feature monthly and the scope of API type of feature would be instance

The storage type of feature has no reset period and scope of such feature would be instance only