The page header defines the title of the component which will act as a container where you can drag and drop the other components in it.
The page header name will be displayed in the top left corner of the component in a layout
Configurations of a Page Header component
Header: Name of the header which is displayed on the top left corner of the component
Sub Header: Sub Header is displayed under the header in layout and also Sub Header is small in size from the Header
No Body: If you select this checkbox then there is no space for adding another component under the Page Header
Icon: An icon is a symbol that will be displayed before the Header header name in the layout
Action limit: The count of actions you want to add to a Page Header component
Page Header Action: The page header action let users do tasks like create, update, and delete a record by clicking on the action button which will be present at the top right corner of a page header in a component
Note: To configure a page header action you can refer to the following page……….
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