Debounce Time is the time taken to complete the two actions
e.g. When you click on the save button, the time it takes to complete the save action is debouncing time
Required Type: Ensures that a specific type of input is required.
Required Error Message: Specifies the error message to be displayed when the required type is not provided.
Minimum Length: Specifies the minimum length of input required.
Min Length Error Message: Specifies the error message to be displayed when the input length is less than the minimum required length.
Maximum Length: Specifies the maximum length of input allowed.
Max Length Error Message: Specifies the error message to be displayed when the input length exceeds the maximum allowed length.
Pattern: Specifies a pattern or format that the input must adhere to.
Pattern Error Message: Specifies the error message to be displayed when the input does not match the specified pattern.