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Emit Event | It facilitates communication between two layouts or workflows by emitting events from the source layout. This action is triggered by events such as a button click or any other user interaction. To use this feature, events must be created on the layouts. Through the Emit Event , you can pass output parameters to other layouts or workflows.
| Emit Event Action |
Subscribe Event | It is used to listen to an event emitted by a source layout or workflow, enabling communication between them. To subscribe to an event, you need to select the relevant layout and event. You can also assign a workflow that will fire or emit the event. Through the Subscribe Event , you can capture input parameters passed from the emitting event.
| Subscribe Event Action |
Push Modal | The Push Modal action opens a modal container within the application layout. This modal can contain various fields and is typically used for creating new records. The modal is created on the application layout and can be customized according to the application's requirements.
| Push Modal Action |
Push Modal and Wait | The Push Modal and Wait action is used to open a layout in a modal (pop-up) to perform actions such as creating or updating a record or viewing details. This action pauses the workflow's next steps until the modal is closed (via Pop Modal ). The modal can be configured with different sizes, padding, and headers, and parameters can be passed through input fields.
| Push Modal and Wait Action |
Pop Modal | The Pop Modal action is used to close a modal and return to the previous layout after saving or canceling a record. This action is commonly used after operations like form submission or canceling an edit.
| Pop Modal Action |
Redirect | The Redirect action allows users to be redirected to another layout within the application or to any external URL. This action can be configured within a workflow to navigate users based on certain conditions or events.
| Redirect Action |
Un Subscribe Event | | Un Subscribe Event Action |