Description: REST API acts as a communication link between two platforms, enabling interaction through methods like GET (retrieve), POST (create), PUT (update), and DELETE (remove)
Path: (Rest API can be executed using Model and Workflow)
PWR Apps platform > Login > Business Node > Layout > Open a layout > Workflow > Rest API Action
PWR Apps platform > Login > Business Node > Layout > Open a layout > Model
Rest API Using Model
Create a connection provider and establish a connection. Refer
Create a Model:
Type: API
Connection: Choose the desired connection to fetch records from
Label: Auto-populates, mirroring the connection Label
Name: Auto-populates, mirroring the connection name.
Execute on load: If checked, records will be fetched automatically upon loading the component
Choose from HTTP methods like Get, Post, Put, Delete, Head, or Patch based on the operation you want to perform
URL: Add the relevant URL that corresponds to the connection from which you wish to get, create, update, or delete records
Record Count: Set the record count to either Multirecord or Single, depending on whether you are dealing with multiple records or a single record in the data operation
Body > Schema Designer:
Generate Schema: Users can define fields using JSON format. For example
{ "Date": "05/12/2023", "Date and Time": "05/12/2023 11: 40 AM", "Double": 51.21, "Integer": 399, "Object": "", "Text": "Smith" }
Create New Fields: Users can create fields using create field Model
Response: User can create new response with the help of status code
Schema Designer:
Generate Schema: Users can define fields using JSON format. For example
{ "Date": "05/12/2023", "Date and Time": "05/12/2023 11: 40 AM", "Double": 51.21, "Integer": 399, "Object": "", "Text": "Smith", "Array": [] }
Create New Fields: Users can create fields using create field Model
Crud using Rest API with Model in Workflow:
To Fetch Records:
Create a New layout
Table Setup:
Drag and drop a Table component onto layout Designer
Add Table action as New and Refresh
Add row action on Table as Edit and Delete
Assign Model to Component:
Assign a model to the Table with the following details:
Type: API
Connection: Choose a connection e.g. Sales Connect
Label gets Auto-populates e.g. Sales Connect
Name gets Auto-populates e.g. Sales Connect
Method: GET
URL: /services/data/v56.0/query?q=select id,name,site from account
Record Count: Multirecord
Define or create a schema to fetch the response. This schema will structure the data received from the API call
{ "data": { "records": { "Name": "Test", "Id": "123456789", "Site": "Pune" } } }
In Component Attributes:
Model: Select the model e.g. Sales Connect
Schema Source: Select "Response" as the source
Response code: Set the response code to 200
In Fields:
Select data > record
Click on the Table component, and the Model fields will be displayed on the left side
Drag drop the fields on the Table component
Create a new workflow (defining Label and Name)
Show Spinner Action:
Drag and drop the "Show Spinner Action"
Define layout item (e.g., Table), variant, and size
Rest API Action:
Drag and drop the "Rest API Action"
Set the Source API Type to Model
Choose the Model (e.g., Sales Connect) assigned to the Table
Hide Spinner Action:
Drag and drop the "Hide Spinner Action"
Define the layout item
Connect Actions:
Connect the actions in the workflow
Add Condition on Connector Mapping:
After the Rest API Action, set a condition on connector mapping
Condition: Model: Sales Connect, Set Output > Response: data
Save the workflow
Call the workflow on component events
Refresh : tableAction
Select Action as Workflow
Select Config and define Select Workflow: (Select the workflow create for Get e.g. Get and Save
Save & Run the Layout
On preview, click on the Refresh Button.
The Get workflow will be executed, fetching the records.
To Create Records:
Create a New Layout
Method: POST
URL: Provide the endpoint for creating records.
Body: Define the data to be created using the Model and Schema.
To Update Records:
Method: PUT or PATCH (depending on your API)
URL: Set the endpoint for updating records.
Body: Specify the data to be updated using the Model and Schema.
To Delete Records:
Method: DELETE
URL: Input the endpoint for deleting records.
Rest API Using Request in Workflow
Source API Type: Rest API action can be executed by two methods Model and Request.
Model: It displayed the list of model created on layout designer in model node
Request: Request needs to configure in workflow to execute Rest API Action
Authentication Type
User Token
Connection > Connection
Record Count
Body (Schema Designer Table) > Generate Schema Button > Create New Fields
Query Params
Record Count
Status Code
Body (Schema Designer Table) > Generate Schema Button > Create New Fields
Action Details
Label: Label of workflow action
Is Async