Allows users to enter a date or pick a date from a calendar.
Date Format: A date format is a picklist in which a user can select multiple formats to enter a date dd/mm/yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy, yyyy/mm/dd, and yyyy-mm-dd are different types of formats
Minimum Date: A minimum date can be specified by the user
Maximum Date: A user can set a maximum date
Required: The date field can be set as required
Unique: The date field can be set as unique
Sortable: If a user makes a field sortable, then the records can be sorted in the table or listview in ascending or descending order
Read only: A user can make the field read-only
Help Text: The user can enter help text for the date field
Description: The user can enter a description for the date field
Access Features
Queryable: The queryable feature reads a record from the database
Creatable: The creatable feature is used to create a record in the database
Editable: The editable feature is used to edit records in the database