Record Type Model

Record Type Model


  • Record Type Model solely focuses on storing and managing data from Salesforce as well as few other CRM objects. Basically, it handles data retrieval and storage for objects.

  • The model further can be bound to various components like Form, Table, or Repeater, allowing efficient data display and interaction across different layouts.

Record Type Model
  • Let’s explore the screens that follow, after clicking on Model Creation + button.


In this tab, user can specify the object and its details, on whose basis model is to be created.

Details Tab






Allows to specify the type of model, such as:

  • API: For integrating with external applications via REST APIs.

  • Record: For managing Salesforce & few other CRM object data.

Note: By default, Type is set as Record.


Provides the ability to specify the source (i.e., from various connected CRMs with an object structure similar to Salesforce) to select records .

Note: Currently, noKodr supports Connection only for Zoho CRM & Monday CRM.

Record Count

Select the record count type for the model:

  • single: For storing a single record of a specific object.

  • multirecord: For storing multiple records of a specified object.


  • Allows to specify the object for which you want to create the model and display data.

  • Includes two radio buttons, allowing the user to either select the object from a list or manually enter the API name. The Select option lets users choose the object for the model, while the Enter Name option enables manual entry of the API name, avoiding the need to scroll through the picklist and specifying the exact object efficiently.


Allows to specify the name of the model.


Allows to provide unique API name for the model.


Allows to specify desired records from bunch of records.


Allows to define the maximum number of records to retrieve from the selected object.

Order By

Allows to choose the field by which to sort the records retrieved from the selected object.

Do Not Auto Query

If checked, the model will not automatically query or retrieve data from the selected object.

Order By

In Salesforce, there’s no guarantee of the order of results unless you use an Order By clause in a query. Thus, we need to specify Order By to have specific records under consideration.

Specifies whether the results are ordered in ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order. Default order is ascending.

Order By Attribute


Order By Attribute


Field Name

Allows to specify field name which determines the sorting order of the query results.

Sort As

Allows to specify whether the results are ordered in Ascending or Descending order.


In this tab, user can view the fields for your selected object. The user can select and add these fields for use in various areas, such as in:

  • Form Component

  • Table Component

  • Repeater Component

  • Workflow Actions

UI Fields

In this tab, whenever you want to display a value in a field based on certain values entered in other fields, and you desire to exhibit this on the UI in real-time without saving the record in objects, UI Fields helps you with achieving the requirement.

When creating a UI Merge field, you need to provide the following details:






Allows to specify the name of the field.


Allows to provide unique API name for the field.

Merge Text

Allows to specify the fields whose values you want to display. You can include multiple fields and perform operations such as concatenating field values or performing mathematical operations like addition and subtraction.


In this tab, you can specify the filter criteria to retrieve the specific records from selected objects

Above image shows various attributes such as:






Allows you to select a field from a model based on the chosen object, helping you to define criteria using model fields.


The available operators will depend on the type of field selected, allowing you to set the criteria accordingly.

Source Type

Allows to choose from several options to compare values with the selected field. The available options include:

  • Static

  • Model

  • Variable

  • User

  • Null

  • Blank

Filters Attributes

Filter Operators


Supported Field Types



Supported Field Types



Number, Currency, Date, Text, Boolean, Picklist

The equal operator is used to compare two values or expressions. It is used to compare numbers, strings, Boolean values, variables, objects, etc. The result is TRUE if the expressions are equal otherwise it’s FALSE


Text, Picklist

The contains operator returns TRUE if the value on the left contains the value on the right, and otherwise FALSE

Starts With

Text, Picklist

It returns TRUE if a string or number starts with the specified character otherwise it returns FALSE.

Ends With

Text, Picklist

It returns TRUE if a string or number ends with the specified character otherwise it returns FALSE


Text, Picklist

IN operator allows you to easily test if the expression matches any value in the list of values. Determines whether the value of an expression is equal to any of several values in a specified list.

Source types

Source Type


Source Type



Use this option to provide a fixed static value.


Choose the field from other models whose value you want to compare.


Select from the variables created in the layout whose value you want to compare.


You can also select fields from the current logged-in user in your organization to compare with model field


The Null option will check if the selected model field has no value at all, meaning the field is completely empty and hasn't been populated with any data.


The Blank option will check if the selected model field has been populated with a blank or empty value, such as an empty string.

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