The File component in noKodr allows users to upload and store various types of files directly within Salesforce objects. This functionality supports a wide range of file formats, including images, PDFs, Word documents, videos, XML files, and JSON data.
For example, In a Salesforce application for project management, the File component might be used to attach project-related documents, such as project plans (PDFs), design drafts (images), and meeting notes (Word documents) to the corresponding project records. This ensures that all project-related files are readily available and linked to the relevant records, facilitating better organization and collaboration.
Note: Here, users can upload one multiple files at a time.
Basic Attributes:
Attributes are the options available for each component, allowing you to customize its appearance and functionality. They help you tailor the look and behavior of your components to fit your needs.
Attribute Name | Description |
Label | Here, you can choose the label name from various source types, including static values, variables, or models. Reference: Label source Type |
Object Name | Here, users can select the object from a list of available options. |
Parent Id | Here, users can add the parent ID from various source types. Reference: Source Type |
File Name | Here, users can manually enter a file name and also choose from various source types. Reference: Source Type |
Storage Profile | Here, users can select the storage profile, choosing between a private profile or a public profile. |
Accepts | Here, users can multi-select files in various formats, including PDF, TXT, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XL, XLS, JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, SVG, MP3, WAV, MP4, AVI, ZIP, TAR, CSV, XML, JSON, HTML, and HTM. |
Max Size (kb) | Here, users can set the maximum file size (in KB) for uploads. |
Initial Load Count | |
No Versioning Checkbox | If the "No Versioning" checkbox is marked as true, you cannot create additional versions of the file. |
Can Delete Checkbox | If the "Can Delete" checkbox is marked as true, you can delete the uploaded file. |
UI Attributes:
Attribute Name | Description |
Component Size |
Note: Currently, we support Component Size 1 for Section. All other sizes will throw an error alert displaying Max allowed value is 1. |
Padding Location | "Padding Location" typically refers to the configuration of spacing around elements |
Padding Size | "Padding Size" refers to the amount of space added inside an element, between the element's content and its border or edge. |
Margin Location | "Margin Location" refers to the spacing around the outside edge of an element |
Margin Size | "Margin Size" refers to the amount of space around the outside edges of an element, |
Style |
Classes |
Visibility and Components Attributes:
Attribute Group | Attribute Name | Description |
Visibility | Visibility Type | It determines whether a component is visible on the layout. It offers the following visibility types:
Component | Component Label | It simply shows the name of the component. |
Label Source Type:
Label Source Type Attribute | Description |
Model (Salesforce Object) | From this source, users can select a Model (Salesforce Object) field to be displayed . |
Variable | Here, users can select the label name from variables such as Is Disabled, Is Read only, or Is Visible. For more details Reference: Variables |
Merge Field Expression | Merge Field Expression displays the value selected from the chosen value source. |
Message Body | Inside the message body, user also can add the values manually. |