Using Field Manager, Object & field schema could be defined and managed.
Common info. to be filled for each Field:
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Access features
Queryable: This is used for querying the data. This is default set to true.
Creatable: If a field is creatable true, then user will be able to create data for particular field. This is default set to true.
Editable: If editable is set to false, then user will not be able to edit the created field. This is default set to true.
Types of fields:
Address: Allows users to enter address
Array: Allows users to store arrays or list or multiple values into one key.
Required: To make it a mandatory field.
Minimum Length: To set minimum array length
Maximum Length: To set maximum array length
Object: Allows users to store embedded documents.
Required: To make it a mandatory field.
Lookup: Allows users to create a relationship that links this object to another object.
Required: To make it a mandatory field.
Unique: Can be used to identify the record based on the uniqueness of the field value. Duplicate records are not allowed.
Relates To: Relation with Object.
Value key: This is the field value which gets stored in the database.
Label Key: This is the field label which gets displayed to the user.
Is Tightly Coupled: This is to establish coupling between objects. For e.g.: Account Object has lookup field ‘relates to’ Contact. If Account record is deleted, will in return delete Contact record.
Child Relationship Name:
Criteria: Used to filter records based on the criteria set.
Checkbox: Allows users to select a True (checked) or False (unchecked) value.
Currency: Allows users to select currency.
Currency Selectable: If checked, will enable the currency picklist for the user. Else, user will not be able to modify the currency set.
Minimum: For user to set minimum value of currency
Maximum: For user to set maximum value of currency
Date: Allows users to enter a date or pick a date from a popup calendar.
Minimum date: For user to set minimum date value.
Maximum date: For user to set maximum date value.
Date format: Picklist of multiple date formats.
Default Value: For the user to set the default date value.
Sortable: If set to true, enables record sorting in table and list view.
Date/Time: Allows users to enter a date and time.
Minimum date/ time: For user to set minimum date/ time value.
Maximum date/ time: For user to set maximum date/ time value.
Date/ time format: Picklist of multiple date/ time formats.
Default Value: For the user to set the default date/ time value.
Hour Clock: Allowed values: 12Hr, 24Hr
Sortable: If set to true, enables record sorting in table and list view.
Duration: Allows users to enter duration.
Minimum Time: For user to set minimum time.
Maximum Time: For user to set maximum time.
Time Format: HH:MM; HH:MM:SS
Time: Allows users to enter a time.
Minimum Time: For user to set minimum time.
Maximum Time: For user to set maximum time.
Hour Clock: 12 Hr, 24 Hr
Default Value: For the user to set the default time value.
Email: Allows users to enter an email address.
Default Value: For the user to set default email value.
Unique: Can be used to identify the record based on the uniqueness of the field value. Duplicate records are not allowed.