To create a Salesforce app, complete the following steps:
Login into the Salesforce account
First, you will need to log in to your Salesforce account
Select the Salesforce Classic
After you log in and access the Salesforce account click on Select Salesforce Classic
Search the Apps from the search menu
Select the Apps
Create the App
Click on the New button and enter the app name and your email address in the connected App Name and Email text boxes, respectively
Click on Create
Go to the Enable App setting
After clicking on Perform request at any time(refresh token, offline access) and Full access (Full) will be added in the Enable App setting
Click on Create URL
After clicking on the URL enter the URL in the callback URL
Click Save and Continue
Manage consumer details
Enter the OTP, which is provided by Mail, in the Manage Consumer Details
Consumer Key and Consumer Secret
Consumer Key and Consumer Secret will be visible there
Consumer Key- E.g- 3MVG9wt4IL4O5wvIY1YZLHWYGmzYj_V1yFZ7jeB_MBDEyLdBB31uTlJsX0CGBUjLGZJqczYjvSflZB4nVbHMx
Consumer Secret- E.g- E54BDCF500423021FA88C214E25A680F018C1C9A00CECB5CEAEBC15C4FB8407F
Enter the call-back URL in the Redirect URL
Click Save
To create a Salesforce app, complete the following steps:
Login into Google Developers Console
First, you will need to log in into your Google Account and then to access the Google Developers Console
Select a Project
After you login and access the Google Developers Console click on Select a Project Menu Item
Create a Project
After we click on Select a project Menu Item a popup will appear. We will need to click on New project
Setup the Project
After we click on New Project we will need to choose a name for the project. After finishing to setup the Project click on Create
Create Credentials
To use the Google API we need to Create Credentials. Click on Credentials to get started
After clicking on Credentials we will need to create an OAuth 2.0 client ID. Click on the OAuth consent screen
Create an OAuth 2.0 client ID
Choose from the following options and then click on Create:
Internal – Only available to users within your organization
External – Available to any user with a Google Account
After clicking on Create we will need to set the following options
Page1: OAuth consent screen
Application name – The name of the app asking for consent
User support email – For users to contact you with questions about their consent
Application logo – Optional
Application Homepage page – Optional until you deploy your app
Application Privacy Policy link – Optional until you deploy your app
Application Terms of Service link – Optional
Authorized domains – Optional until you deploy your app
Email address – These email addresses are for Google to notify you about any changes to your project
Click Save and Continue
Page2: Scopes
Your non-sensitive scopes- you should add the following 3 scopes
Click Save and Continue
Page3: Test Users
Click Save and Continue
Page 4: Summary
Click Save and Continue
Go to Credentials → Create credentials → OAuth client ID
Select OAuth Client ID
Choose your Application type
Web Application
We will need to set the following options
Name – Add your own name
Authorized JavaScript – Add your website URL (Optional)
Authorized redirect URLs – Add your website URL – https://api-qa-in1.pwrapps.com/connection/v1/orektic1/default/authorize/orektic1__newConnectedApp
After you finish click on Create
Client ID Credentials
After clicking on Create you will be prompted with your Client ID Credentials. You will need to copy the Client ID and click on “Done. You will also need to copy the name of your OAuth 2.0 client
How to create a connection provider in PWR Apps
Login into the PWR Apps account
Click on Business> Connection Provider from the left navigation menu
Click on New
Select Salesforce From the Adapter dropdown
Enter the Label and Name
Select Instance Type > Production
Client ID -
Enter the Consumer Key in the Client ID
Client Secret-
Enter the Consumer Secret in the Client Secret
Redirect URL-
Enter the call-back URL in the Redirect URL
Click Save
Created Connection Provider display in the List