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  • A table Table is a data structure that organizes information into rows and & columns

  • It can be used to both store and display data in a structured format

  • A row is a horizontal group of values within a table Table that contains the records of an object

  • A column is a vertical group of values within a table Table that contains the fields names of an object

  • There are many important features supported in a Table:

    • You can give Table actions, Row Actions, Column Actions

    • You can resize the columns

    • You can sort the columns in ascending or descending order

    • You can perform Inline Editing



1. Model

  • All the models will be displayed in the list that you have created using an object, you can choose the specific model

  • Models are used to display content in the layout

  • You need to create a multi-record model for a table Table component, refer to this Models

    • Create New Model: You can either choose the model from the list or you can create the new model by clicking on “Create New Model“ Option for your table

2. Hide Selection

  • By checking the hide selection checkbox, you can hide the selection box of records in Table


3. Show Index

  • This is a checkbox used to show the index value in front of the records

  • If the checkbox is checked then it will display the record index


  • or row of a Table


4. Inline Edit

  • Inline edit helps to edit the value of a field, without needing to navigate to a record

  • When you check Inline Edit, a pencil icon appears, when you hover the mouse over the cells in that column, by using the icon you can edit it in a place

5. Hide Sorting

  • It is a checkbox used to sort the records in ascending or descending order

  • If the checkbox is checked record sorting can be performed

  • If the checkbox is unchecked records will be displayed in a sequence as they were created

6. Hide Resizable

  • Checkbox It is a checkbox used to resize the width of columns in the tableTable

  • If the checkbox is checked the column width cannot can not be changed

7. Icon Picker

  • Icon picker is used to add the icon to the table

  • Multiple icons are available which you can select for your table

  • You can also remove the added icon

8. Icon

  • You can set the icon on the table Table title



9. No Icon

  • Checkbox It is a checkbox used to hide or deselect the icon of the table Table



10. Title

  • You can give the Title of the table


  • the Table

  • The title is a short description provided to the Table


11. Sub-Title

  • You can give the Sub-Title of the table


  • Table

  • Generally, it appears above the Title


12. Hide Search

  • Checkbox used to hide the search box of a table


  • Table


13. Hide Page Size

  • It is a checkbox used to hide the page size dropdown


14. No Header

  • Checkbox used to hide the header part of a tableTable

  • The header includes, Title, Sub-Title, Table Actions, Search Box, Reset Column Width, Filter

    Image Removed



15. No Footer

  • The checkbox is used to hide the Footer

  • The Footer


  • includes Page Size Drop Down, Page navigation buttons

  • Page Size Drop Down is on the Left side

  • Page navigation buttons are on the right side


16. Hide Row Action

  • You can hide the row actions on the Table by checking the checkbox


17. Page Size Options

  • You can set any the page size of the Table

  • You can select multiple sizes from the predefined setlist

  • Available sizes are 20, 50, 100 , & 200


18. Default Page Size

  • You can set the default page size from the available set



19. Key Field


20. Show Page Size Drop Down Up

  • The checkbox is used to display the dropdown list of page sizes above the drop-down



21. Table Actions

  • You can add the table actions by clicking on the '+' icon

  • e.g. New, Refresh actions


  • Click on save, the table action will be visible


  • For table actions, you need to create a workflow, refer to this link Workflows


22. Overflow After

  • Overflow After attribute is used to display the actions in list format after reaching its entered limit

  • By Default the value is 3 which means the three actions will displayed on a section header

  • If you added the new action despite having 3 actions then the new action will appear in the drop down list section

    Image Added

23. Row Actions

  • You can add the row actions by clicking on the '+' icon

  • e.g. Edit, Delete actions


  • Click on save, the row action will be visible


  • For row actions, you need to create a workflow, refer to this link Workflows


24. Column Actions

  • You can add the column actions by clicking on the '+' icon


  • e.g. Redirect, Push Modal

25. Is Export Supported?

  • It is a checkbox used to export the records in a Table

  • All the records can be exported in CSV, excel, or pdf format

  • When Is Export Supported checkbox is checked, the Export symbol will be visible in the right corner of the Table component

  • When both ‘Is Export Supported?’ and ‘Is Local Export?’ checkboxes are checked, then only records will be exported


Include Page
Common configurations for components at the layout
Common configurations for components at the layout