Overview:- Heading 2 (Shortcut Keys:- Ctrl+Alt+2)
Attributes:- Heading 2 (Shortcut Keys:- Ctrl+Alt+2)
Example>>use e.g.
Attribute name(e.g. Model):- Heading 3 (Shortcut Keys:- Ctrl+Alt+3)
Font:- Calibri
Font Size:- 11
Do not use “user“ use “you“ in documentation
Use bullets for points mention under headers
If you use bullet points then do not give a full stop at the end of the sentence
Bug Logging
Log bug in excel sheet and then creates Jira tickets for the same
Use the following format to log bugs in the excel sheet
Component:{Component_Name}:{Attribute_Name}- {Description of the bug in one or two lines}
Do not use merge cell as filtering does not give the correct results
Use Ctrl + Shift + L to apply or remove filters
If the sheet is big always freeze the header, navigate to View>Freeze Panes>Freeze Top Row (when the top row is the header)
To Record Screen
Use Windows Key+ Alt+ R to record your screen
The recording will be saved to your device in File explorer>This PC>Videos>capture
To capture a complete window screenshot use the shortcut key PrtSc
To capture a specific area from the screen use the shortcut ctrl+shift+s then drag and select the area that you want to crop
Use a rectangle to highlight any property on a screenshot
Rectangle size:5px
Color: #E51400
Please follow the below standards for arrows and
circles that we use on screenshots
Please refer file store at path: ABX> General> ABX Documentation>Diagrams
Arrow nameName: Bend arrow
Arrow colorColor: E51400
Font size: 15 pt
Font: TImes new roman
Arrow width:100 pt
Arrow Height: 20 pt
Font: Arial
Font size: 15 pt
Font color: 000000
Circle nameName: circleCircle
Circle colorColor: E51400Font size: 15
Circle Width: 35 pt
Circle Height: 35 pt
Font: TImes Times new roman
Font color: 000000
Circle Width: 35 pt
Circle Height: 35 ptsize: 15 pt
Font color: 000000