Attribute | Description | |||||||||||
Record Object | This represents the object for which the configuration is created. The object is already selected for record page type, as it was chosen during the initial configuration. Note: This field is disabled and pre-filled for Record Page. Note: This field is not applicable for Non-Record Page. | |||||||||||
Record to Preview | This feature allows users to select an object record to see how the Related List Button Group will appear in the preview section after making changes. Note: This field is not applicable for Non-Record Page. | |||||||||||
Buttons | Here users Users can add multiple buttons which they want to be in create a button group.
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Overflow After | It refers to the limit after which overflow of content in button group will be shown in drop-down.
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Alignment | Here users can set alignment for the button group in 3 locations namely:
Note: By default, button alignment is set to right. | |||||||||||
Default Variant | Allows to show Button Group in different SLDS color formats.
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Padding Location | You can set the padding location for Button Group as Around, Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Horizontal, Vertical. | |||||||||||
Padding Size | You can set the padding Size for Button Group as XXX Small, XX Small, X Small, Small, Medium , Large, X Large. | |||||||||||
Margin Location | You can set the Margin location for Button Group as Around, Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Horizontal, Vertical. | |||||||||||
Margin Size | You can set the Margin Size for Button Group as XXX Small, XX Small, X Small, Small, Medium , Large, X large. |