Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Attributes Name


Record Object

This represents the object for which the configuration is created. The object is already selected for record page type, as it was chosen during the initial configuration.

Note: This field is disabled and pre-filled for Record Page.

Note: This field is not applicable for Non-Record Page.

Timeline Icon

This field allows you to choose an icon that represents the Timeline. This icon is displayed on to the Timeline header.

Record to Preview

This feature allows users to select an object record to see how the Related List will appear in the preview section after making changes.

Note: This field is not applicable for Non-Record Page.


This option is only available if you choose page type as 'non record page'.

Related Object

  • Here, you can add related objects to the timeline.

  • This field is hidden if the user selects 'Non-Record Page' in the configuration.


Reference: Related Object Config

Child Relationship

The "Child Relationship" field allows you to select the child objects up to 3 levels that you want to display in thin Timeline.


Reference: Child Relationship


You can set the title for the Timeline here. Additionally, use the property binder to assign the label from various available value sources.


Reference: Label Configuration

Show Age

  • It shows the time of activities were created or modified. When enabled, it provides a quick reference to how long ago each activity was created or last updated.

  • Use the property binder to assign the Show Age from various available value sources.


Reference: Show Age

Hide Datetime

  • This feature hides the date and time details of activities in the timeline, displaying them without exact timestamps.

  • Use the property binder to assign the Hide Datetime from various available value sources.


Reference: Hide Datetime

Expand All

  • This checkbox allows user to quickly expand all activity records within the timeline.

  • Use the property binder to assign the Expand All from various available value sources.


Reference: Expand All

Sort As

This checkbox allows the user to choose whether activities are sorted by newest first or oldest first within the timeline.


Reference: Sort As


For non-record pages, the attributes are similar, but some options may be unavailable, such as "Object Name" and "Record Preview.


After marking this checkbox as true, it will display the date and time, providing a quick reference to how long ago each activity was created.


Here user can set show age value from different Source.


After enabling the checkbox, it hides the date and time details of activities in the timeline

Here user can set Hide Datetime value from different Source.


This checkbox allows the user to quickly expand all activity records within the timeline

Here user can set expand all value from different Source.


Note: You can dynamically expand a record by clicking the expand button or the dropdown arrow on the timeline record.


Sort As:


Sort As Attributes




Newest First


This feature sorts activities based on their creation date, showing the most recently created activities first.


Oldest First


Header and Sub-header configuration:
