In various contexts, integers are used to represent quantities, counts, or indices. They are essential for performing arithmetic operations, defining ranges, and controlling loops or conditions in programming. Integer values are fundamental for tasks that require precise, discrete measurements or counts.
Attributes of
Integer Field
Attribute Name | Description | ||
Label | A Label is the name shown to users and can come from various sources.
| ||
Place holder | This is a hint or example text displayed in an input field before the user enters their own data. | ||
Field Type | Here you can choose different field types.
| ||
Layout | Field Layout allows you to arrange fields on the form. | ||
Hide Space Checkbox | After marking this checkbox as true, it will crop the extra corners of the fields. |
Attribute Name | Description | ||
Visibility Type | It determines whether a component is visible on the layout. It offers the following visibility types:
Attribute Name | Description |
Required Type | Here, users can apply validation based on filter conditions.
Required Error Message | Enter the error message you want to display for required fields. |
Minimum Length | Set the minimum number of characters required for the input field. |
Maximum Length | Set the maximum number of characters allowed for the input field. |
Attribute Name | Description | ||
Read Only Type | It specifies whether a component can be edited by users. It offers the following options:
Conditional Disability:
Attribute Name | Description | ||
Disability Type | It determines whether a component is disable on the layout. It offers the following visibility types:
Attribute Name | Description |
Component Label | It simply shows the name over the field. |