Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Attribute Name



  • You are required to choose the object for displaying the List View.

  • Only standard and custom objects will be available for selection here.


Note: Metadata and System objects are excluded from the list

List View Name

  • You can choose a List View name from the available options.

  • Each object can have multiple List Views.


Note: You can select only one List View at a time.

Is List View Selectable Checkbox

  • This feature allows users to change the List View dynamically within the layout.

  • When enabled, a drop-down icon appears next to the object selector in the layout.


Note: After enabling this checkbox, the "Is Object Selectable" checkbox will become available.

Is Object Selectable


  • This feature allows the end user to change the object at runtime.

  • When enabled, a drop-down icon appears next to the List View selector in layout.

Table Actions

  • You can create multiple table actions for the List View. By default, two actions are visible in the top right corner.

  • These actions are used to perform operations such as creating, refreshing, and managing selected or unselected records


Reference: Create Table Action Configuration

Overflow After

This feature allows you to control the number of actions displayed. Setting the limit to 1 will show only one action, with additional actions appearing in a drop-down menu.

Row Actions

  • Actions are performed at the record level for individual records.

  • These actions are primarily used to read, update, or delete a single record.

  • Each action is linked to a workflow that executes the specific operation. While default row actions include edit, delete, and view, you have the flexibility to create additional actions according to your needs.


Reference: Create Row Action Configuration

Column Actions

  • You can set the actions at the column level on the List View.

  • You can assign only one action to any column.

  • When you click record in the column action gets executed. Each action has a workflow that actually performs an operation.


Note: When you assign a column action, the record in that column becomes a clickable link.


Reference: Column Actions

Layout For New

You can choose an existing layout from the list.

Layout for Edit Is Same As New


  • If the “Layout for Edit Is Same As New” checkbox is enabled, the layout selected for “Layout For New” will also apply to Edit operations.

  • If disabled, you can choose a different layout for editing from the available options.

Layout For Edit Checkbox

You can select any layout from the drop-down for editing purposes.


You can set an offset for the query on the object.


For example, if there are 200 records and you set the offset to 100, the List View will display records starting from the 101st record.


Set the number of records to query at once.


For example, if there are 200 records for an object and you set the limit to 100, the List View will retrieve and display the first 100 records.

Order By

  • You can specify the order in which fields are used to query and display records in the List View.

  • Records can be sorted in either ascending or descending order.


Reference: Order By

Filter Section Header

Users have the option to customize the header name that appears on the filter section on List View.


Attribute Name


Visibility Type

It determines whether a component is visible on the layout. It offers the following visibility types:

  1. Always: The component will always be visible.

  2. Conditional: The component's visibility is determined based on specific criteria, which can make it either visible or hidden as needed.
    You can explore more about Visibility Type attributehere


Reference: Conditional Visibility

Component Label

It simply shows the name of the component.

Table and Row Actions





A Label is the name shown to users and can come from various sources.


Reference: Source Type


Enter a unique the name for your action.


This option lets you choose from various icons to add to the action button.


This feature allows users to change the appearance of the action button.

  1. Neutral

  2. Brand

  3. Outline Brand

  4. Success

  5. Destructive

Visibility Type

It determines whether a component is visible on the layout. It offers the following visibility types:

  1. Always: The component will always be visible.

  2. Conditional: The component's visibility is determined based on specific criteria, which can make it either visible or hidden as needed.
    You can explore more about Visibility Type attributehere


Reference: Conditional Visibility

Disability Type

It determines whether a component is disable on the layout. It offers the following visibility types:

  1. Never: There is no disable option for this component

  2. Always: The component will always be visible.

  3. Conditional: The component's visibility is determined based on specific criteria, which can make it either visible or hidden as needed.
    You can explore more about Visibility Type


Reference: Conditional Disability

Is Bulk Action Checkbox

If the bulk action checkbox is marked as true, it enables users to perform bulk actions on the selected items.

Minimum Record Count

The "Minimum Record Count" setting allows users to specify the minimum number of records required to perform a bulk action. This ensures that bulk actions are only triggered when a certain threshold of selected records is met
