Minimum: A user can set the minimum value of the input
Maximum: A user can set the maximum value of the input
Decimal Places: The user can set decimal places. For eg., if the user sets the decimal value as 3 the data will be displayed as 1.123
Currency Selectable: If the currency selectable checkbox is true, then the user can select the currency type. If it is false, then by default currency type is preselected
Sortable: If a user makes a field sortable, then the records can be sorted in the table or listview in ascending or descending order
ReadOnly: A user can make the field as read-only
Show Horizontal line:
Placeholder: Placeholder text, located inside a form field, isĀ an additional hint, description, or example of the information required for a particular field. These hints typically disappear when the user types in the field
Field Type:
Layout: A layout is an arrangement or design Following are the sub-fields of Layout
Stacked: A user can set field as stacked
horizontal: A user can set field as horizontal
singleColumn: A user can set field as singleColumn
Hide space: A User can hide the Spaces of field in Layout
URL to create field as a link:
Is Clickable:
Inline Edit: Users can easily update and write information visually and directly on-screen
Debounce Time in seconds:
Is Copy Enabled:
Value Destination Type:
Value Destination Variable:
Component Size:
Margin Location: Specifies extra space on the left, top, right and bottom sides of this view
Visibility Type: specifies whether or not an element is visible
Required Type:
Required Error Message: A user can make Error Message Required
Show Success Message:
Success Message:
Show Error Message:
Error Message:
Custom Validation:
Read only Type:
Disability Type: