A text area is a larger box that allows the user to enter multiple lines of text. Generally, pressing Enter in a text area will enter a newline character, creating a line break.
Following are the properties:
Required: The user can make the text area field required.
Unique: The user can make the text area field unique.
Minimum & Maximum Length: The user can set the minimum and maximum length.
Default: The user can set the default value.
Read Only: The user can make the text area field read-only.
Sortable: The user can make the text area field sortable.
Right-To-Left: writing starts from the right and continues to the left.
Left_To_Right: writing starts from the left and continues to the right.
Auto: By default, writing starts from the left and continues to the right.
8. Columns: The user can set column size with minimum 0.
9. Rows: The user can set row size with minimum 0.
10. Pattern: A text area pattern is an expression that users can use to evaluate whether a string contains a particular pattern of characters. Text patterns consist of special characters and characters.