Country: The country is a standard picklist from which users can select their specific country
State: State is a standard and dependent picklist on the country. For example, if a user chooses India as the country, all states within India will be displayed
City: City is a text field in which users can type in the city name
Address Line 1 & 2: In the address line, 1 users can fill the address Address Line 1 & 2 : In the address line, 2 users can fill the detailed address
Pin code: A pin code is a text type in which users can fill in their pin code
Country, State, City, Address Line 1, and Pin Code will be required. if the address field is marked as required
Access Features
Queryable: The queryable feature reads a record from the database
Creatable: The creatable feature is used to create a record in the database
Editable: The editable feature is used to edit records in the databaseQuery can be performed on this field
Creatable: Record can be created with value in this field
Editable: Value in this field can be edited