Country: The country detail for the address.
State: The state for its territory, the area of jurisdiction or geographic boundaries for the address.
City: The city is a place in which people live and work; its detail for the address.
Street: The street address includes address of a building, typically comprising a house number, street name detail.
Postal Code: The postal code refers to the code in the post office number of the postal code system for the address. Postal codes are usually assigned to geographical areas.
Arrays are used to store multiple values in a single variable, instead of declaring separate variables for each value.
A lookup relationship essentially links two objects together so that you can “look up” one object from the related items on another object. Lookup fields allow users to associate two records together in a relationship but has no effect on deletion or security.
The date/time field also have feature accessibility like may or may not be Required, Select-able, Read-only or Sort-able, Create-able or Editable
The time type is useful for time management, event planning, and project management.
You can select the time field type when you create a custom field. The time type is a timestamp without the date included.
Use the time field type when you require a time of day that isn’t specific to a single date. For example, use it to display business hours, or if you want to compare times of the day to calculate a duration.
Image Field is a file field with uploads restricted to image formats only. Before uploading files, one needs to specify a lot of settings so that file is securely saved and can be retrieved in a convenient manner.
This is a separate fields to record email details from a user, called the E-mail field data type field. This field can validate if the given email ID is valid or not.
This field allows users to enter an email address, which is validate to ensure proper format.
The multi-select pick list data type field contains many of the data available on the list. This pick list can allow users to select multiple data from the list.
Multi-pick list fields allow you to select multiple values on your records for various use cases. You have the ability to define values on creation of the field and after creation you can continue to add and remove other values.
The Percent is a field that allows users to enter a percentage number as a decimal. The percent field type is a field type designed to hold numerical values formatted as percents. The values in a percent field are all represented as fractions of 100 with the percent sign.
e.g. the number . 75 in a percent field is represented as 75%.
The Phone field enables your users to enter a valid international phone number. The input area of the phone field contains: A drop-down menu to select the international country calling code. An input box, with indicative text, to enter the phone number.
The select field is allows users to select a single value from a list. Pick list offer a selection of options available for specific fields in a object, such as a list of regions.
Users can then choose a single value from a list of options rather than make an entry directly in the field, which cuts down on errors and helps keep data clean.
(C) Audit Field: