Fields in PWR apps represents what the columns represent in relational databases. It can store data values which are required for a particular object in a record. Fields can store many different types of data.
There are 3 types of fields:
(A) Standard Field:
There Name is one standard field in every Custom object and the field get created at the time of creation of object. This is cannot be deleted or edited.
For Standard object, the fields which are present by default in them, cannot be deleted from standard object.
(B) Custom Field:
Custom fields can be create on Standard or Custom object. They may or may not be required.
Country: The country detail for the address.
State: The state for its territory, the area of jurisdiction or geographic boundaries for the address.
City: The city is a place in which people live and work; its detail for the address.
Street: The street address includes address of a building, typically comprising a house number, street name detail.
Postal Code: The postal code refers to the code in the post office number of the postal code system for the address. Postal codes are usually assigned to geographical areas.
An array is a systematic arrangement of similar objects, usually in rows and columns. Arrays are used to store multiple values in a single variable, instead of declaring separate variables for each value.
A lookup relationship essentially links two objects together so that you can “look up” one object from the related items on another object. Lookup fields allow users to associate two records together in a relationship but has no effect on deletion or security.
The date/time field also have feature accessibility like may or may not be Required, Select-able, Read-only or Sort-able, Create-able or Editable
The time type is useful for time management, event planning, and project management.
Default value must be between the minimum and the maximum value.
The multi-select pick list data type field contains many of the data available on the list. This pick list can allow users to select multiple data from the list.
A formula field can reference the value of another custom or standard field using a merge field.
(C) Audit Field:
Record Id:
A Record ID can help you identify a record in the database. Each record in system has a unique ID field assigned to it which is known as Record ID. It is system generated and cannot be edited or deleted. It is generated every time a new record is inserted into the application.
The field “Is Test Record” is used by the developer to maintain the test record.
Is Deleted:
Is deleted field is used to keep the record of deleted records. If the user delete any record from the account then with the help of “Is Deleted” field we can keep the track of deleted records in database.
The deleted records does not get permanently deleted from the database unless TTL (Time To Leave) field is applied.
Erase On:
When any of the record has been deleted from the org its gets reflected in the Erase On field. The restore limit for the Erase On field is of 30 days.